Chapter 6 - Knowing You More

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The next day Singto once again came to the basement to take care of Arthit. He removed the rope on Arthit's hands and gave him food. Arthit was just quiet just looking at the boy. 

"Singto." Arthit called him Singto looked at him, 

"Uhm? Is there anything you need Arthit?" Arthit hesitated a bit but still asked, 

"Uhm... I'm just curious, how did you end up with those guys?" 

"Oh do you mean P'Jon?, P'Park and P'Yong?" Singto asked. 

Arthit nodded while eating the food Singto gave him. 

"Well as far as i can remember i have been with them, but contrary to what he said last night that they took care of us. They actually didnt, they only made our lives harder as it already is." Singto said. 

"Wad, Aim, Oak, and Tew are the ones who really took care of me, and treated me as their brother." He continued. 

"Tew and Aim stole some food from the streets to get us food, though Wad would scold them but we had no choice, we had to do that to eat, sometimes P'Jon and the other two will get the food that we got and eat everything leaving us hungry all night." He continued. 

Arthit stopped the spoon that was going to his mouth and put it down. 

"And every time we did some small street jobs since we didnt really wanted to steal, he would get the money from us and but cigarettes or some alcohol to drink." Singto continued. 

"Sometimes when they get home drunk or pissed they would beat us up without any reason." 

Arthit's feelings were building up, He felt how Singto felt, he felt his pain, and his anger, Tears started dropping from his eyes. 

"Did my story make you cry? Im sorry, i didnt mean to..." Singto said placing his hands on Arthit's face and wiped his tears with his thumbs. 

"Please dont cry..." Sing told Arthit. Arthit sniffed and smiled. 

"im sorry to hear all about your pain and misfortune." He said, He wanted to hug Singto to comfort him. 

Singto smiled, "Dont worry Arthit, we always had each other, we protected and comforted each other. we're more than just friends, were family." He said. 

Somehow it reminded this about how he was with his friends... Bright, I always sneered at him though he only cared for me. Toota, I always shout at him and call him bad names, but he never left my side, Prem and Knot, they always protected me, but i always mock and belittle them... I'm so sorry for being an asshole, when i get out of here i will apologize and make up for everything bad i did, he thought.

Singto showed Arthit the locket hanging from his neck, "This is the only memory i have about my parents...I actually dont remember them, All i can remember was being with my friends."

 Arthit was silent. "How about you? I told you about myself, I would also like to know more about you Arthit." Singto said. 

"Well... My name is Arthit, but my screen name is Krsit, im 22 years old, Im a model and actor, Im also a beginning singer..." Arthit said. 

Singto laughed "i already know that, well i didnt know that you were a bit older than i am, I better call you P'Arthit then." Singto said. 

"Tell me something more about you P, things that are not very known about you." Singto said. 

"Well I am an only child, My father is the owner of the largest empire in business, Im not really in good terms with my father, my mom passed away when I was 17. I dont like to be attached to anyone because they usually leave me. I had a friend before, his name was Kong, he promised to be with me, but he also left me without even saying good bye." Arthit's face turned to a sad expression. 

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