Chapter 27 - Downfall

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Arthit was rushed to the hospital, Dr Ming was called by Bright. Dr Ming came to the emergency room.

"What happened?! Today is supposed to be his wedding day right?" Dr Ming asked. Upon seeing Arthit, his eyes became dark.

"No I hope its not what i feared." Dr Ming said.

IV lines and Oxygen were infused in Arthit and Blood was collected from him to be tested.

"Get some blood he needs an infusion, his type is AB+ go!" Dr Ming ordered a nurse, who rushed to get blood for infusion.

Blood was infused to Arthit. and a few moment slater his face started to get more color.

"He will be stable for now but i really need to see those test results. By the way Kong i was informed by Dr. Kang that Khun Jane is also here and he was shot earlier?" Dr Ming said.

"Yes P he is here but he's stable." Kong said

"What?! P'Jane was shot?!" Bright asked.

Kongpob nodded, and told them everything that happened. Bright and Toota looked at each other.

"But its good that everything is clear now." Toota said.

Kong nodded, but I hope that P'Arthit is alright.

"You got Arthit back now Kong everything is well now." Bright said

"No, P not yet... I still have a score to settle." Kong said with a dark expression.

"Kong!!!" Aim came running with Tew Oak and Wad.

"They got the person who shot P'Jane!" Aim said while panting.

Kong looked at them. with his eyes telling them that he needs to go but he doesnt want to leave Arthit.

Bright placed his hand on Kong's shoulder. "Go Kong we'll be with Arthit."

Kong nodded and ran to where the shooter was taken.

When they got to the police station they were all shocked to see who the guy was. "P'Jon??!" 

Kong was enraged and grabbed the man's collar.

"You!!" He growled in anger.

"Nice to see you again kid." Jon smirked at Kong. but Kong suddenly punched the man without any warning. He had to be restrained by Aim Tew and Wad. Oak was in shock and was just frozen in his place.

"Well look at all of you kids now, all big shots huh?" Jon said while wiping the blood from the corner of his lips.

"Why did you do it?! to get back at me huh?!" Kong growled

"Its nothing personal Sing, or should i call you Kongpob now? Anyway, i was just following orders." Jon said

"Orders?! from who?!" Kong shouted.

Jon was hesitant a bit, but stood silent. An investigator came close to them. "Tell us everything. Is this because of your brothers?" The investigator asked.

Kong looked at him. "Brothers? you mean P'Park and P'Yong?"

"What about them?" Wad asked.

Jon spoke, "Park is dead, he was killed in a prison riot recently." 

They looked him in disbelief, but he continued his story. "We were about to go out of prison then but our boss contacted us to do a job for him, but we refused, a few hours later the riot started and Park was stabbed and killed. then the boss called again telling me that if we dont do the job then the next one would be Yong. So i had no choice. I had to obey... if not Yong too would be killed." tears now were falling from his eyes.

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