Chapter 18 - To Keep You Safe

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The guys were finished eating breakfast, but Singto still didnt touch the food that he got for him and his P'Arthit.

"Sing why dont you eat first? Arthit might take long..." Bright told Sing.

Singto just gave him a small smile. "it's alright P'Bright I'll wait for P'Arthit he wont have someone to be with for breakfast, and there isnt food left so I'll just wait for him." He said

"Bright shrugged his shoulders. "Alright then suit yourself, Were going to the Mall wanna come?" Bright asked

"No, but thank you P." Singto smiled, Bright nodded and went to his room to change.

Bright was walking back to his room, when he saw someone move from Singto and Arthit's room to the corner of the corridor. "Oi who's there?" He called out but the man was wearing black, He had a cap and scarf covering his face and sunglasses. Bright tried to run to catch him but when he reached the corner the man vanished in thin air. Who the hell was that? and what was he doing in Arthit's and Singto's room?

Bright turned around and saw Arthit walking the hallway, his head down, sobbing. "Arthit?" He called out. Arthit looked at him, he saw tears running from his eyes. The man he saw earlier was swiped out of his memory and he was focused on Arthit. "Ai'Thit what happened?" He rushed to Arthit, when Arthit suddenly hugged him and cried as hard as he could. "Ai'Thit what happened tell me." He said worry can be heard from his voice.

Bright sighed "Is this about Singto? Did you two fight? Is it about your dad? Ill bring you to Singto he's been waiting for you for hours!" But Arthit suddenly shook his head. "No! Please Ai'Bright I dont want to see Singto just yet..." Arthit said sobbing.

"Why? Thit tell me!" Bright said in a serious tone. Arthit nodded, "But please not here." Arthit said. Bright nodded and he dragged Arthit to his room.

Toota was changing his clothes when Bright barged in dragging Arthit behind him, He suddenly yelped in surprise. "Ai! Do you guys know how to knock!?" but then he saw the tearful Arthit. "Thit! what happened? why are you crying?" He said with worry. Arthit told them about what his father wanted him to do with Singto, and that he was the mastermind of his kidnapping before. Bright and Toota were shocked with what they are hearing.

"What?! You dad was the one who ordered to kidnap you?!" Toota shouted, "That's why he didnt want us interfering." He said to Bright and Bright nodded.

"We should tell this to the police." Bright said in a serious tone.

"You cant... He has connections to high police officials Bright..." Arthit said.

"Then lets use our trump card! The public! Television! The media!" Toota said.

"And then what will happen Ai'Toot? Do you think he doesnt have connections there too? He was the one who used those connections to make me a model, then an actor. He also has some friends in politics because he is the CEO of the biggest company right now in our country and one of the biggest around the world." Arthit said.

"And..." He bowed his head... "He is the only family i have left... If he goes to jail, ill be left alone again... however bad he turned into he's still my father..." Arthit said tears falling again.

Bright and Toota sighed... "So what are you planning to do now?" Bright asked.

"I dont know for now... I dont have any power right now... All i can do is go with what he wants..." Arthit said. "But one day... He wont be able to control me anymore and I'll be free from him." Arthit said.

"So about his plan with Singto, What are you going to do Arthit?" Toota asked sitting beside him.

Arthit was quiet, until he gave a sigh "I... have to keep him safe... I dont want him to be involved further with this mess... I hope one day he will forgive me for what i'm about to do, even I cant forgive myself right now for what i'm gonna do." Arthit said.

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