Chapter 28 - Blood

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Morning came, the sun shined through the hospital window and hit Arthit's eyes that made him frown, He opened his eyes a bit, he felt a hand squeezing his hand. He looked down and saw the sleeping man sitting beside his bed his head laid on the side of the bed eyes closed and dark circles formed around his eyes.

Arthit smiled seeing the man he loves beside him. He squeezed his hand weakly, that woke Kong up.

"P? Youre awake. How are you feeling? do you need anything?" Kong asked standing up while wiping his face and rubbing his eyes.

"Kong did you stay up all night?" Arthit asked.

Kong didnt answer and just smiled.

"Kong you should take a proper rest, Im okay now dont worry. You will get sick if you continued this." Arthit said worry in his eyes

"Im alright P'Ai'Oon. Dont worry about me. Your love makes me strong." Kong said trying to be cheesy.

Arthit rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Please Kong." Arthit pouted and gave Kong his puppy eyes.

"Aww P dont give me that pout of yours... I might forget that youre still sick and I might jump on you..." Arthit quickly removed his pout and sucked his lips inward.

A knock was heard on the door and P'Jane came in with Bright and Toota.

"Oh, Kong why you're still here?" Bright asked.

Kong wai-ed at them and just smiled.

"We brought food for all of us." Toota said raising the food he brought.

Kongpob prepared Arthit's food and fed him.

"This reminds me when you were kidnapped before P." Kongpob said.

Arthit tried to fight his smile remembering those moments when he was kidnapped and Kong, Singto during that time, fed him.

"Kong you look like you haven't had rest yet, go home and take a rest, you also need to check your emails, you have a lot of papers that needs to be signed and reviewed." P'Jane said.

Kong forgot that he is the CEO of their company now and he has to be more responsible.

Another knock was heard from the door. Dr Ming came inside the room with an expression that no one could really understand.

"Dr Ming? What happened? Is there something wrong?" Arthit asked with worry and fear. Kong and Arthit was worried.

"Arthit can I speak with you and Jane? Alone?" Dr Ming asked.

Kong looked at Arthit and shook his head a little gesturing that he didnt want to leave him.

"Its okay P'Ming, we can speak with them here." Arthit said.

Dr Ming nodded. "Well Arthit this is about the test that i did with your blood. And as i have feared, without proper treatment, It became worse... if has become Leukemia..." Dr Ming said with a sad expression.

"Leukemia? You mean... i have blood cancer?" Arthit slowly said trying to absorb what the doctor had just told him.

"Its the exact same illness your mother had that led to her... passing..." Dr Ming said sadly.

Kong looked at Arthit with tears threatening to drop any moment. Arthit felt weaker than he already is.

"You really need to undergo the right treatment now, or else..." Dr Ming said

"Or else what P? Will P'Arthit die?" Kong said tears now running down his cheeks.

Dr Ming closed his eyes and nodded.

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