Chapter 4 - The Prince and The Pauper

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It was already dark, Singto and Aim got some food for him and his friends, stolen yet again from some vendors at the market. 

"Oi Sing! looks like you got some delicious food today!" Oak exclaimed excitedly looking at the food. 

"Well we worked hard for that very much with our good looks and cute smiles!" Aim told Oak while putting his hand on his chin with a gesture that makes him handsome, 

"Singto is handsome I agree... but you Aim? Your not handsome! You're pretty!" Oak teased Aim that got him a hit on the head from Aim. Tew was laughing hard with the antics and Wad just shook his head while preparing the food. 

"Okay so we got five packs of food, one for each of us." Wad said. Singto took one but didnt eat it, instead he stood up and walked away. 

"Oi Sing?! Where are you going? Not gonna eat with us?" Aim called him. 

Sing looked back at them, their faces puzzled,he just smiled and said " He hasnt eaten all day, whether he likes it or not im gonna feed him." Then he proceeded to the basement to feed the prisoner prince. They looked at each other and shrugged and continued to eat.

Arthit was feeling weak and was very hungry, his stomach was already hurting due to the hunger and thirst he was feeling. He heard a soft knock on the door. He closed his eyes and pretended to be sleeping. 

"Uhm im going to come in now..." Sing informed him. But he didnt respond and continued his acting. Singto entered the room. 

"Khun Krist, i know you havent eaten yet, so must be very hungry. i brought you food." Singto said not looking at Arthit. 

Arthit still pretending to sleep, he smells the food. Damn that food smells good im so hungry i could eat it... even though i dont know where it came from... Arthit thought, but his stomach betrayed him and growled loudly... 

His face suddenly turned red, but he still didnt open his eyes, not because he was pretending to be asleep but because he didnt want to see the reaction of the boy in front of him. Singto looked at Arthit's face wanting to laugh but noticed Arthit's reaction and bit his lip to fight the laugh, He pretended to play with Arthit's actions. 

"Khun Krist please wake up, i know you're very hungry, i'm sorry but couldnt untie you, they will kill me if i did, but i will feed you." Arthit opened his eyes and glared at Singto. 

"I dont want your food! Im not hungry you hear me?!" He said sternly, but again his stomach betrayed him again growling loudly, this time Singto was not able to hold his laughter. He was laughing so hard that tears were forming in his eyes. 

"Stop laughing! Its not funny!" Arthit shouted with a face as red as a tomato. 

"I'm sorry but i couldnt help it Khun. You're so adorable when you turn red.." Singto said and beamed a smile. 

Arthit looked at Singto and saw the boy's smile, That smile! why does it look very familiar? It feels warm and comforting... He was reminded of a familiar smile that he wanted to forget, Kongpob's smile. Come to think of it, he also looks a bit like him too... but thats impossible! 

"You! What are you smiling about?! Stop smiling! I hate it!" Krist shouted. Singto stopped giggling and sighed, he nodded and continued preparing the food. 

"Khun Krist please eat, I dont want you to get sick or anything, please..." Singto said using his puppy eyes. Krist stared at him and glared but in his mind he thought that the boy was quite cute with his puppy eyes. 

"I dont even know you! and you offer to feed me?" Krist said mockingly. 

"I'm sorry, i havent introduced myself. I'm Singto at your service my prince!" Singto stood up and bowed. 

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