Chapter 38 - The Honey and The Moon

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Warning: Another chapter with sexual content. (Sorry!!! I think im becoming a pervert... )

The night ended with everybody congratulating the newly wed couple, even Dr. Mew and Art did a video call to congratulate them.

"Sorry were couldnt come to your wedding, Dr Mew here had a very important surgery so we couldnt come." Art said from the video.

"I heard that you got "kidnapped" again huh?" Art joked

"Yeah it was a stupid friend's idea." Arthit said

"But it was actually part of the plan" Kongpob chuckled.

"Okay we gotta go na, Dr Mew here is gonna have another surgery." Art said from the other line. "Arthit and Kongpob take it easy tonight, but if you two want to go wild then go for it!" He winked when he said that, making both Arthit and Kongpob turn red.

When almost everyone was gone, Kongpob saw that his husband was quite tired from the wedding.

"Are you tired P?" Kongpob asked his husband

"A little, but i really enjoyed this day... Thank you Kongpob..." Arthit said leaning his head on his husband's shoulder. Kongpob smiled and kissed Arthit's hair that made the smaller man blush.

"Thank you Kong..." Arthit said

"Hmmm? For what P?" Kong asked

"For loving me... and for making me love you..." Arthit replied.

Kong placed his arm around his husband's waist and gave him a warm and soft embrace.

He then lifted Arthit bridal style to bring him back to their penthouse.

"Oi! Kongpob! Put me down! I'm not a girl!" Arthit protested

"I know you're not a girl P, but you're my wife." Kongpob teased making Arthit silent and red.

"Wife my ass!" Arthit mumbled,

"Yes Honey, This is my wife's ass." Kongpob teased Arthit as he groped Arthit's butt.

"Kongpob!" Arthit protested.

Kongpob chuckled and continued to walk carrying his flustered husband who leaned his head in the crook of his neck. As he was walking He noticed Arthit sleeping on his shoulder. Kongpob smiled and kissed his hair.

The newly wed went into the room they had in the penthouse. Kongpob carefully laid Arthit down the bed and changed his clothes into their pajama.

Kong laid beside the sleeping man and gazed at his sleeping face. He chuckled and muttered "So much for the first night..." He continued to gaze on his husband's face that he finds so cute. He closed his eyes to sleep but sleep didnt come to him.

Kongpob stood up and took a stroll at the beach just outside their room.

He sat down at a hammock and gazed at the scene. The waves and the blowing wind were the only sound heard. The stars and the full moon were the only source of light.

Arthit woke up not seeing his husband anywhere in the room.

"Kong?"He called out but there was no reply. He looked out the window and saw his man sitting on a hammock by the beach.

Kongpob was daydreaming of everything that he and Arthit went through to get to this point. He smiled to himself and promised to himself that he will take care of the man that he married.

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