Chapter 5 - The Seduction Plan

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Since yesterday Arthit was making a plan to escape and he will use Singto to do it. I saw how he looked at me, my charm got to him. He thought, this is my chance to escape, my charm can really be handy sometimes. He patted himself mentally. but i shouldnt make it too obvious though... He thought.

As he expected, Singto came into the room again and brought some food to Krist. 

"Good morning Khun Krist, i brought you some breakfast." Singto said. Arthit just gave small smile as a thanks, as Singto was preparing his food, Arthit started to whimper, Singto looked at him with worry, 

"Is there something wrong? are you in pain?" Singto rushed to him. 

"Khun Sing, my wrists are so sore from this rope, can you loosen them up please?" Arthit looked him with puppy eyes. Singto was hesitant but checked on Krist's wrists and found that they are already red. He sighed and did loosen up the rope. 

"I will loosen up the rope for you but please, when you hear foot steps pretend that they are tight. Arthit nodded and gave a small smile. 

Singto moved forward to him to loosen up the rope, his chest only centimeters away from Arthit, Arthit didnt expect him to be this close, he didnt intend to but he inhaled smelling Singto's scent. He said in an almost whisper, "For a pauper you smell nice..." 

Singto actually heard what he said and smiled. after he loosen the rope he lookd at Arthit. and said "Yes im poor but that doesnt mean that i shouldnt take care of my self." 

He smiled and Arthit blushed, "How do your wrists feel?" Singto asked, 

"Better." Arthit answered. 

"Im gonna feed you now okay?" Singto said, Arthit nodded, Singto blew his food and started feeding him. 

Now's my chance to try and seduce him to get out of here! Arthit thought. 

As Singto was about to feed him his next spoon he pretended to sneeze and spilled some of the food on both his shirt and Singto's shirt. 

"Ohh I'm so sorry Khun! I didnt mean to spill the food! i was surprised by your sneeze." Singto explained. 

"It's all over you now, wait ill clean you up." Singto said. but he noticed that the food was all over his shirt too, so he sat down and removed his shirt. 

Arthit stared at Singto while removing his shirt and swallowed a lump on his throat. Damn it! i should be the one seducing him! not the other way round! but damn look at those abs... that chest... those biceps... Damn it! Arthit stop ogling him!! its you who should be doing the seduction! Arthit thought looking away, but his face is flustered. 

Singto now shirtless came near him and was about to reach Arthit, 

Arthit panicked "W-what are you d-doing?!" He said eyes widening and blood rushing to his face. 

"Dont worry Khun Krist, I promise that wont do anything bad to you. I promise." He said in an assuring tone. 

"Please trust me. I will never do anything to harm you, and i will protect you, I promise." Staring at Arthit's eyes not blinking. Arthit felt the sincerity in his voice and his words and nodded. 

Damn why do i feel comfortable with him? He and his friends kidnapped me for goodness' sake! but why cant i find it to resent him? I actually feel like i know him... He reminds me so much of my old friend... Kongpob... Arthit thought.

Singto unbuttoned his shirt and removed it from Arthit. He got out of the room and got another shirt for Arthit. 

"Im sorry but this is the best shirt that i have, you can wear this for now while i wash your shirt" Singto said. He untied Arthit's hands to totally remove the shirt and to gt Arthit change his shirt. 

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