Chapter 21 - 2 Years

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Two years have passed since Kong and his friends went to the US.

A lot has happened, Kong and his friend have graduated. Kong picks up his phone and dials a number.

"Hello P'Jane?" He said.

"How are you? We just graduated this morning."

"Congratulations Kong and to your friends too. I'm truly so proud of all of you." P'Jane said from the other line. "I am so proud of you guys." He added

"Thank you P. We will never make it if it wasnt for you." Kong said

"Nah, dont say that Nong, you made it because you worked hard for it." P'Jane said from the other line.

"We will come back there in a few days." Kong said

"Are you ready now? I mean are you now ready to face them? Mr Rojnapat and Arthit?" P'Jane asked.

Kong was silent for a moment. "Yes P I am ready." He answered determination can be heard from his voice

"Well in that case should i pick you up at the airport?" P'Jane asked

"No need P we can drive back to the house." Kong said.

"Alright then, I'll see you guys in a few hours." P'Jane said and hung up the call.

2 years... I wonder how everything is now? Kong thought. is everything still the same as it was? No it isnt. I have changed. I'm not the boy who could be stepped on anymore. but I wonder how you are now P'Arthit...

"Hey Kong, are you ready to leave?" Wad came in the room with Aim, Tew, Wad and Oak. Kongpob nodded, smiled and grabbed his luggage and went to his friends.


"Arthit you should get ready for the party later at the company, you just had a blood transfusion yesterday right?" Bright said, Arthit nodded and fixed his tie that was suited perfectly with his suit. He was still sick and was doing a routine blood transfusion every month. "Are you sure about this Arthit? I mean have you really moved on from Singto?" He added.

"Honestly Bright, I still love him, even though it's been 2 years. But Nam was right. I'm still alive, and there would be no use in keeping myself trapped in my past, when there is a future ahead of me. Singto would have wanted me to move on and move forward with my life. But no once can fill the space he left in my heart." Arthit said.

A year ago...

Arthit was still grieving for the loss of his love, many producers are asking for him to come back in show business, but he refused. He still not each much and drank a lot. His friends never left his side, especially Namtarn who took special care of him.

"Arthit, were all worried about you. Until when are you going to be like this? I know that you still love him. But, is this what he wants for you to become?" Namtarn's words froze Arthit from drinking his next beer.

"Arthit, I know youre hurting but think properly is this how Singto wanted you to become? Arthit you're still alive, and there would be no use in keeping yourself trapped in the past, when there is a future ahead of you. Singto would have wanted you to move on and move forward with your life." Nam hugged Arthit from behind.

"Somebody else love you too Arthit... I love you too... This past year that i got to know you more, I never realized that i'm already in love with you Arthit." Arthit didnt respond and just stood there frozen.

"I know youre not ready yet, but Arthit, please give us a try..." Nam said

Those thoughts ran through Arthit's mind and in a few months, Arthit had accepted Namtarn and they became a couple. And after a year Arthit and Nam got engaged.

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