Chapter 9 - The Rescue

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The sun shined through the window, piercing through Singto's eyes. He wanted to move but felt something on hugging him preventing him from moving. He opened his eyes and found Arthit's on his chest, arms around him. He felt a bit cold down there, then seeing that the are still both nude. He remembered what happened that night and felt his member once again waken but, he needed to control himself, and tapped Arthit and softly called him.

"P'Oon, wake up its already morning..." Singto said.

"Five more minutes..." Arthit grumbled.

Singto chuckled and kissed Arthit's forehead, then leaned over and whispered to Arthit's ear, "But P we're still both naked and if we keep on like this, something else might still wake."

Arthit opened his eyes and looked down seeing Singto's half erect member. His eyes widened and suddenly stood up, also realizing that he too is not wearing anything. His face turns red and Singto chuckled hugging him from behind and kissing his neck.

"Are you okay P? does is hurt anywhere?" Singto asked whispering in his ear, Arthit could feel his hot breath making him shiver.

"N-no... i'm all good." he said stuttering.

Singto smiled and shook his head. He got up and picked up Arthit's clothes and gave it to him,

"You should get dressed P." He said

Arthit took the clothes and covered himself. He for a place where he would hidden, but couldnt find any. He turned around and found Singto ogling him. He glared at Singto.

"Yes P? Why are you looking at me like that?" Singto asked tried to look innocent.

"W-what are you d-doing?! T-turn around!" Arthit shouted face still blushing.

"Aww but P? havent i seen everything? I've even..," He was cut off by Arthit.

"J-just turn around!" Arthit snapped at him.

Singto chuckled and turned around, Arthit quickly put on his clothes stumbling. Singto also put on his clothes.

"We need to get out now P, we need to get you back to your dad." Singto said.

Arthit nodded and they head out to the door out of the shack, when they arrived at the market, they found a lot of police gathered there, Arthit's eyes widened when he saw Bright among the crowd. He ran towards them holding Singto's hand.

"Bright!" Arthit called with a big smile and tears in his eyes.

Bright heard the call and moved his head towards the person calling him and was surprised, his eyes widened and shouted "Arthit!" He ran towards his friend, Toota, Prem and Knot hearing Bright's call also ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

"Arthit! Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" Bright asked Arthit nodded..

"Did they hurt you? did they feed you properly? Prem and Knot asked, He nodded again

"Did thy rape you and take your virginity?" Toota asked Arthit was dumbfounded with Toota's question, He thought that Toota was just joking but he saw worry in his eye. He remembered that night when his kidnappers attempted to rape him, and the night when he gave himself to Singto. Singto cleared his throat to bring Arthit back to reality. He snapped and shook his head violently, but him face turning red. Toota hugged Arthit and cried. "Were so sorry Arthit that this happened to you because we were not there to protect you!"

Arthit shook his head and said "Its not your fault guys, I was the one at fault, and i want to apologize for all the bullshit i put you guys through. You've always took care of me and protected me but i was a jerk to all of you. I'm so sorry. I promise to make it up to you!" and hugged all his friends.

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