Chapter 2 - The Poor Boy

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A boy was walking on the streets, he was handsome with a beaming smile. His looks can charm both men and women. He was tall and had a slim, but muscular built. He was quite hungry and was looking for something to eat. 

"Oi Singto!" called one of his friends. 

"Aim where do you thing we can get food? I'm starving.." Singto asked Aim. Aim pouted his lips pointing to a man who was selling some food. 

"Distract him, I'll get us some food." They walked towards the man, Singto opened a few buttons on his shirt exposing his chest. He walked straight to man and started to inquire and talk about the food. The man was focusing on Singto, ogling him, while Aim pretended to be just standing by, but taking some food into his pockets. 

A man passing by saw this happening and shouted "Oi! they are stealing your food!" The vendor suddenly snapped from ogling Singto and realized what was happening, Singto and Aim ran as fast as they could and hid in a crowded place so that no one could catch them. They went to the slumps, they were laughing when they entered a small house that seemed abandoned. 

"Did you see how he fluttered his eyes looking at your chest?! I saw him lick his lips!" Aim snorted and laughed, 

Singto just shook his head and asked " How much food did you get?" Aim got the food out from his pocket and counted, "Well it's enough for You, me, Tew, Oak and Wad..." 

Singo nodded, "Dont let P'Jon, P'Park and P'Yong about this food or they will take it and we wont have anything left for us again." He said. Aim nodded and kept the food. Suddenly the door opened and they snapped their heads towards the door. Wad entered with Oak and Tew. 

"Ow why are you guys pale? Did you see a ghost?" Wad asked. Singto and Aim sighed in relief, 

"No we just saw Oak's face." Aim joked. 

"If i was a ghost i will haunt you for eternity!" Oak snapped at Aim. Wad, Tew and Singto laughed at their antics.

Singto's POV

These guys are really funny... They have been my brothers since God knows when, I really cant remember... Wad has been like the eldest brother to us, even though we're just the same age. Aim and Oak are always bickering but when in trouble they always have each other's backs. Tew is the most caring he takes care of us all. I honestly cant remember my childhood with them, they said that i was in an accident and they took me out, all I have is this pendant as a token of my lost past. i've always kept it and never wore it when P'Jon,P'Park and P'Yong are around, they might take it from me. Well speaking of those three they are older than us, but they have never treated us like brothers but as slaves. They sometimes take all the food and dont leave any for us even though we do most of the work here. They were the ones who taught us how to steal, since none of us went to school and couldnt get a decent job, so here we are street rats as they call us, stealing some food to last for a day or so. But even in this situation I still value my friends a lot. They are my only family now...

They were busy laughing, when Aim remembered the food he got. He took it out from his pockets and gave one to each of them. He told the story of what they did to Wad, Oak and Tew, they laughed so hard, Singto just smiled and shook his head. 

"Better hurry up and clean everything, those three will be back soon." He said. 

"I heard that they got a job for us?" Oak told them. 

"I wonder what kinf of job they have for us now?" Tew said sarcastically and doing a quote-unquote gesture on the word "Job". 

"Well probably still something illegal, what new about that?" Wad told in a matter of fact way. 

"I wonder if we're gonna break in someone's house again?" Oak asked. 

"Or maybe steal someone's car?" Tew asked. Singto sighed, 

"If only we werent like this we could get a decent job and not do bad things..." the four looked at him. 

"Well there's nothing we could do Sing, we werent able to attend school, we didnt get proper education so we couldnt get a proper job." Wad said. 

"Wad is right, we have no other choice than to follow and obey those three." Aim said with a sad tone. There were all speechless. Until the door swung open, and 3 men came bursting in. P'Yong came in followed y P'Park, then P'Jon came in with a person on his shoulder. The person's eyes were covered with a blindfold. They were shocked in seeing the scene. 

"What are you five looking at?" Jon asked them. 

"Get your asses down the basement and help us tie this brat up!" He ordered them, they stood up and did what he said.

Singto saw the boy's face, he stared at him for quite a while. 

"He looks very familiar, It's like ive known him before..." Singto said. 

"Of course you him Sing, he's a celebrity! He's famous! This is Krist!" Aim said shouting and whispering at he same time. 

Singto looked at Jon, "P how did he end up here?" He asked Jon who was lighting up a cigarette. 

"We kidnapped him." He simply said. 

"What?! How?! Why?!" He asked. 

"Park here dressed up as a bar tender and gave him some shots with some added ingredient." Yong said high-fived Park. 

"And when he was out cold he took him. He was stupid enough to ask his bodyguards to leave him alone." Park continued. 

"We could get a very huge sum of money from this brat. we will be filthy rich!" Jon said. Filthy indeed... Singto thought, He looked at Krist who was still out cold but was starting to move. 

He really looks familiar, not because he's a celebrity, its like i knew him from before... Singto thought looking at Krist. 

"Shit! he's starting to wake up! Lets go out and wear some masks so he wont recognize us!" Yong said. 

All of them got out of the room. Then they hear some groans, and then a yell asking for Help. 

"Help! Where am I?! Help me please!" Krist was shouting from inside the room. Singto was looking at the door he was having the urge to open it and help the boy inside, but he was stopped when Jon placed him hand on Singto's shoulder. 

"Dont you even dare screw this one up for us... or you'll regret it for he rest of your life." He said to Singto with cold and threatening eyes. Sing just swallowed and nodded. He moved away and Jon, Park and Yong wore their masks and got into the room to inform the bratty celebrity that he has been kidnapped and they want money in exchange for his freedom, a huge amount of money. 

"Dont you ever think that you could get away with this you idiots!" Krist snapped at them. 

"Oho! A feisty one isnt he? I like him!" Park said teasingly. Krist glared at him. 

"Let's see how long you can keep up with this brave facade of yours." Jon said with a cold voice. Arthit didnt answer and just glared at all of them.

Singto was listening by the door with Aim, Tew, Oak and Wad. Wad and Oak moved their heads away from the door. 

"What will we do now? This is a very big crime! This could get us in jail! or worst! Killed!" Oak whispered panicked. Wad didnt say anything, just walked out of the room. The rest looked at Oak and just sighed. all of them went back to the room. Singto looking back at door that has the celebrity behind it.

A few minutes passed and the three went back to the room. "Oi get that brat something to eat! we dont want our maney maker dying of huner now do we?" Jon ordered them, 

"Uhm P'Jon where's the money?" Aim asked. Jon glared at him, 

"None of my concern. just get him something to eat!" He spat at Aim. Aim looked at Singto, Singto nodded, and they both go outside, 

"You three! keep an eye on that brat! we dont to lose our chance to be rich!" Jon ordered Wad Tew and Oak. they just nodded. Singto and Aim got outside and sighed, 

"It looks like we need to go back on the streets..." Aim said, Singto just nodded. and they went out to find some food for the hungry prisoner.

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