Chapter 30 - You, Me, Us.

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Bright, Kong and Toota went to the mall to find the perfect ring for Arthit.

Kong scanned the rings that he saw but nothing was getting his attention.

"Did you find something that you like?" Bright asked Kong. Kong shook his head with a small frown,

"Lets go to the next store then." Toota said.

Toota and Bright offered a variety of ring designs, some with glistening gold, some with shiny silver, others with glistening stones, but Kong didnt find any thing that he thought would fit for Arthit.

They went to at least 7 jewelry stores that day, but Kong didnt find any ring that he think is good enough for Arthit.

Kong was already feeling down. "Who knows we might find the perfect ring tomorrow Kong." Toota said to cheer him up.

They wen out of the mall and went to the car.

While driving through a small alley Kongpob noticed a small jewelry shop. It looked old and dusty but he had the urge to stop the car and go to the place. Bright and Toota were confused.

"Kong? why this place? it looks... ancient..." Toota said

"I just had the feeling i would find it here." Kong said

"This place? are you sure Kong?" Bright asked.

Kongpob just nodded and smiled. Bright and Toota looked at each other. Toota shrugged his shoulders

"Alright lets take a look then." Bright said 

When they went into the shop it was indeed very dusty, an old man greeted them. They looked around Toota and Bright found some interesting rings.

"Wow this place is old but the ring designs are very good." Toota said

They looked around the shop until Kongpob's eyes landed on a silver ring that had both the sun and the moon on it. The sun had a yellow diamond in it.

"Mr. do you have a pair for that ring?" Kongpob asked.

"Oh no that is the only pair of that ring that i have." The old man said

"Pair? but its only one ring?" Bright ask

The old man smiled and took the ring and showed it to Kongpob. They were surprised to find out that it was two rings that were connected.

"Ohh thats is awesome! I's simple but really elegant" Toota said

"I bet Arthit would love that." Bright added

"These rings symbolizes union. like the sun and the moon, they are very different but both complete each other, as the sun sends of its light the moon reflects it so that it would shine even in the darkest night." The old man explained.

Kongpob smiled and took the rings. "I bet Arthit would love the ring that you'll give him." Toota tugged Kongpob's arm.

"By the way Arthit's birthday in 5 days!" Bright suddenly remembered slapping his head.

"But isnt he going to the US in 2 days?" Toota retorted.

"We need to give him a birthday blast before he goes to the US!" Bright said.

The next day Kongpob asked the board for an emergency meeting.

"What is the urgent matter?" Asked Mr Pawat.

"Well i would like to inform everyone that i would be resigning as the company's CEO but i would still be a board member and a stockholder." Kongpob announced

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