Chapter 12 - Day 2

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Day 2

Arthit woke up a little bit early, He would like to ask them to to to the amusement park near the resort, but all of their friends were still sleeping soundly, they drank and played games until dawn and Singto was the only one awake now.

Arthit brought Singto to the amusement park just the two of them. Singto as very excited because he has never been to an amusement park before. He acted like an excited kid beaming at all the rides and lights,

"P! Its really beautiful here!"

"Oho is it your first time in an amusement park?" Arthit asked. Singto nodded a bit shy.

"Ohh P! Look at the Roller coaster! and the Ferris wheel! They're so high! Can we ride all of the rides P!?" Singto asked like a little kid.

Arthit chuckled upon seeing Singto acting like a kid. "P lets ride the roller coaster first!! then the ferris wheel!!" Singto exclaimed beaming like a kid.

Though Arthit never like high places he still went and ride with Singto on the roller coaster and the ferris wheel. Arthit felt really dizzy and sick after riding.

Singto dragged Arthit to the haunted house maze. "P lets go in the Haunted House maze!!"

They went into the haunted house maze, Singto was not scared at all but Arthit was terrified and everytime a ghost or monster would appear he would close his eyes and hide into Singto's embrace. Singto laughted at Arthit's antics.

After they got out of the haunted house maze Singto let Arthit sit on the bench. He saw a cotton candy vendor.

"P wait here for a minute, Ill be right back!" Singto said, Arthit looked at him questioningly.

He went to the vendor, not to steal this time, but to buy cotton candy, blue for him and pink for Arthit. They ate cotton candy while watching the show at the amusement park. Many fans noticed Arthit and asked for selfies with him.

"Khun Krist is he your boyfriend?" one fan asked that made him blush. Huis face was the same color as his cotton candy.

Singto answered the fan. "No we are just friends." the word friend somehow made both of them feel like frowning, but they just kept a smiling face.

"Ohhh you look like a couple, you both look good together! we ship you both!" another fan said. Now even Singto was blushing, They just looked at each other and laughed.

Then Krist said "Well he saved my life and taking him to the amusement park is just a little thank you for it because he has never been to an amusement park." Singto nodded.

The fans seemed convinced with the reason but still they were giggling with the two. The fans said goodbye.

It was almost sunset but sstill Singto wanted to ride on the rides that he hasnt tried yet. He noticed that Athit was already tired, but he kept on going with what he wanted and where he wanted to go.

"Do you want to take a break P?" Singto asked Arthit. Arthit shook his head smilng but it was obvious that he was tired already. "Im okay I want you to have fun." Arthit said.

Singto saw a picture booth and asked Arthit if he wanted to take a picture with him. Arthit agreed. They went to the picture booth and took some pictures, some were formal, some were wack and some were intimate and sweet.

Singto took one of the pictures. "P i really like this picture can I keep it?" Arthit nodded. "I will keep this picture always with me so when we are not together i will always see your face." Singto said and Arthit blushed with his words.

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