Chapter 19 - Memories

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Singto was being Interrogated at the precinct, regarding taking money from Mr Rojnapat.

"I told you i didnt steal anything! i swear!" Singto said pleading.

"We also took your accomplices, we had some information that you had these people help you with stealing the money." The police officer told him.

"Accomplices? Who?" Singto asked

The man checked his chart "Wad, Oak, Aim and Tew? sound familiar?" He asked.

Singto was shocked to hear his friend's names. So they took them too?! Why?! "They have noting to do with this!" Singto shouted

"That sounds like you confessing to the crime." The man said smirking.

"Please do not put words in his mouth." A voice suddenly said from behind the police officer that surprises both Singto and the man.

"P'Jane!" Singto called out.

"And you are?" The man asked.

"Jane Sutthiluck, Singto and his friend's lawyer." He said while walking towards Singto.

"I was not aware that he-they had a lawyer." The man said in surprise.

"Well now you do and now none of my clients will speak with you, I will speak on behalf of them. They will not give any statements because we all know that you people will put words in their mouths to convict them." Jane said sharply. "Now lets go Singto." Singto was confused but jolted up and went with P'Jane.

"Thank you so much P'Jane! I-we really are in debt to you!." Singto said tears starting to fall,

"Singto!" He heard his friends call him out and ran to him.

"We were caught by the police for no reason at all! Its goo that P'Jane came in to help us!" Wad told him.

"Okay now listen here I will help you, but promise me that you will lay low and will not answer any of their questions." Jane told them

"P'Jane we swear we didnt do anything..." Aim was crying

"I know Aim." He told Aim, then looked at Singto and placed his hand on Singto's shoulder. "I know..."

"Let's go some place that they wont be able to find you and you will be safe." Jane said and let them out of the precinctand into his car.


"Dr Ming? How is Arthit? is he okay?" Bright asked

"He's stable now, he only needs to rest but he was under too much stress dont let him under too much stress unless you want his disease to advance quickly." Dr Ming said.

A few minutes after Arthit woke up, "Thit! how are you feeling?" Bright asked

"Not okay Bright, my heart... it hurts... I'm so angry with my self... how can i be this stupid!?" Arthit started to cry again.

"Arthit that enough, you're hurting yourself..." Bright tried to comfort him.

"I hurt Singto more, I knew that my father did all this. Singto was innocent I know that he didnt do anything wrong but, i went with it Bright! I let them take him! I failed him Bright! Im so stupid to believe my father would let me handle this on my own... I could have stopped it! I could have... but I was stupid! Too fucking stupid!! I cant even forgive myself!!" Arthit shouted trying to hit himself on his chest, He felt hurt, not because of his self hitting, but with the guilt of what he did to Singto. Bright sighed.

Toota came in the room with Knot and Prem "Bright is Thit awake? I brought some food." Bright nodded. Arthit was just silent and just cried silently on the bed.

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