Prologue ↬ A Year and A Half Ago

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Edited: 18/ 01/ 2018
Published: 05/ 08/ 2018

"What do you mean he hasn't replied?" Bakugou yelled, openly irritated by the ways things were turning out. "It was that damn shitty hair's idea to do this in the first place."

It hadn't been long ago when Bakugou last spoke  to Kirishima on the phone and during that time, Kirishima had convinced the blonde to join the rest of  the class to go to this zoo that just recently opened on the other side of town. It was pretty big place; easily could've been mistaken for a theme park because of the themed rides built here and there.

"Fuck this, I'm going to find where that damn shitty hair went," Bakugou grumbled, ready to take his leave when someone wrapped an arm around his shoulders, stopping him in his tracks.

"Come one, might as well join us after going through all that trouble." Kaminari said, somewhat surprised he hadn't been blown up yet.

"Fine, whatever, drooly," Bakugou said, rolling his eyes.

The day went by, the class enjoying the fishes at the aquariums, the birds at the greenhouse and the fun themed rides. However, Bakugou would be lying if he said he'd enjoyed himself hanging around a bunch of 'extras'. A mixed feeling of anxiety and worry sat at the bottom of Bakugou's stomach, his conscious mind telling him something wasn't right.

As Bakugou walked behind the group of his classmates, he thought back to the conversation he'd had that morning with Kirishima. From what Bakugou could hear, said redhead was looking forward to seeing all the animals and going on the rides; so it bothered him that Kirishima hadn't come. Even then, Kirishima would have definitely called if something had come up.

"Kacchan, is something wrong?" Midoriya asked, snapping Bakugou out of his thoughts. "You look worried."

"Why the hell would you care?" Bakugou barked, gritting his teeth in frustration at the thought of Midoriya pitying him.

In return, Midoriya furrowed his brows and said, "You're worried about Kirishima, aren't you?"

Bakugou glared at the shorter boy, annoyed by how easily he knew what was going on inside his head.

"So what if I am?" Bakugou hissed, facing in the opposite direction of the boy beside him. "Does it matter?"

Midoriya shook his head, looking to where Bakugou was looking at curiously. The two walked in silence, blindly following their group of classmates until they stopped. Bakugou noticed it wasn't just them that stopped, everyone around them that had stopped as well.

"The fuck's going on?" Bakugou whispered, going on his tippy toes to try and see what had made the everyone stop so abruptly. The next thing he knew, everyone was running away from sudden explosions emitting from in front of them. The people were scared, yet Bakugou didn't know why. In a split second, Bakugou managed to get a glance at what was happening. It was a villain with two hostages, both of which were knocked out. They both looked somewhat familiar to Bakugou, yet he couldn't quite place it.

Then it clicked. They looked an awful lot like a certain redhead that had decided not to show up.


"Damn kids, I told you all to not get involved in stuff like this," Aizawa— also known as the pro hero Eraser Head— said. "You should be glad I was the one who came instead of another hero or else you'd be in serious trouble."

The man scolded his class, resulting in most having a saddened or ashamed look. Sure, most of them had gotten their hero licenses, but it still wasn't a good idea to fight in places like parks; especially without their hero costumes.

Yao-Momo had raised her hand, it was clear she was concerned from the look on her face.

"What is it?" the pro asked, nodding his head towards Yao-Momo.

"The man and woman that were held hostages, are they alright?," Yao-Momo asked, holding her hand up to her chest.

While the others had been fighting off the villain, Yao-Momo had managed to get the hostages to safety and kept them safe until the paramedics came.

"They should be alright. Strange how they managed to hostages though," Aizawa said the last bit quietly, more to himself then anyone else. The couple that were held hostage had the last names Kirishima, which was quite a coincidence.

"They have a heartbeat and was sent to the hospital quite quickly, so I wouldn't worry about them," Aizawa reassured Yao-Momo.

"That's good," Momo whispered, sighing in relief.


"What do you mean by missing?!" Bakugou yelled, outraged by what Aizawa had announced.

"Apparently after the zoo attack, Kirishima was said to have gone missing." Aizawa repeated, staring at Bakugou. "I was as shocked as you are right now when I found out."

"But this doesn't make any sense! How could he have just gone missing?" Kaminari yelled, banging a fist against the table while standing up, his chair dragging across the ground. "I know Kirishima, and he wouldn't just disappear like that!" Kaminari clicked his fingers as he said 'that', emphasising his point.

"With all due respect," Yao- Momo said, standing up along side her two fellow classmates. "Don't you think we deserve to know a bit more than just 'Kirishima is missing'?"

Aizawa sighed, rubbing his dry eyes before explaining all they knew at that point. "The two hostages during the attack were the parents of Kirishima," Aizawa started. "After the attack, myself and a few other pros went to their home to see whether Kirishima was there. Unfortunately, the place was a mess and the back door was broken down; seemingly a force entrance. That's all a know at this point, but police and investigators are looking into it."

The class was in a state of shock when Aizawa finished. Not a single on of them spoke a word all day, wondering what could possible happened to their classmate. Was he dead? God, they hoped not.


Kirishima glared at the three men that were standing on the other side of the large metal bars. They seemed to be irritated and were talking about something serious, but he couldn't hear a thing. All that went through his head was a long, deafening ring. 'This is worth it it,' he told himself. The pain he went through every single day since he was taken by these men. At least he'd be suffering this inhumane torture instead of his parents.

It was worth the pain.


Aye, nothing interesting going on in this chapter, but it'll be better in the next. Though, I just want to apologise to my precious son Kirishima for doing this to you ;-;

𝐀 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 ⇝ 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮Where stories live. Discover now