Epilogue: "Forever"

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His eyes flickered open, his gaze stuck on his reflection in the mirror. His hair was brushed neatly into a loose ponytail and had a raven black suit creased out smartly. He usually didn't try that much outfit wise, but considering the occasion, he'd figured he'd put a little effort.

"Oi, Eijirou, hurry the fuck up, would you?" A familiar voiced called from the living room. "The only reason why I'm going is because you want to go."

"Incorrect," Kirishima smiled at the sight of his boyfriend in a suit. "You're going because Ochako, Izuku and Shouto are our friends, and because you love them."

"Since when was that decided?" Bakugou raised a brow, one hand rested firmly on his hip as he said so.

"A long, long time ago," Kirishima grinned even wider, intertwining their hands together happily.

The blond and redhead had been dating ever since the incident five years ago. In between that time and now, each of them have fulfilled their goals of becoming pro heroes — Bakugou making it as top 2 in the world and Kirishima in the top 15. Somehow, Kirishima even made it in the top 5 most influential heroes two years in a row for being quirkless. To say he cried during the interview about it would be a flat out lie.

"Talk about fucking vague," Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"You love it," Kirishima sing songed, planting a sloppy kiss on the other's lips before leading him out of their shared apartment. It wasn't anything fancy, unlike something Yaoyorzoru and Iida would have, but it was home.

The same home they moved into after graduation. The same one they got their first paycheque in. The same one they built their first IKEA cabinet in together. The same one they spilt secrets to each other in bed. The same one they had sex together for the first time; after two years of therapy. The same one that they could both say was home.

"Now hurry up, Aizawa said he was downstairs already," Kirishima laughed, pressing the down button to the lift.

"We'd be right there with him if you hadn't decided to write a fucking thesis in the bedroom," Bakugou grumbled.

"At least I look good," Kirishima said proudly. Bakugou could only kiss his teeth because his boyfriend did, in fact( in a non bias opinion), look good.

The doors of the lift slides open and the two men entered. Kirishima had already pressed for the ground floor by the time Bakugou entered which made him wonder if Kirishima secretly had some super speed quirk or something — maybe he was red sonic or something?

The commune downstairs into the car park was a quick one. No words were shared between them and that was completely fine. Sometimes silence made for the best conversation.

When the two got into the familiar bumblebee yellow Mercedes, the first thing they heard from the passenger's seat was, "I thought the earth was going to implode on itself from global warming before you two would show up."

"Were we really that long?" Kirishima asked, gaining a nudge in the side from his boyfriend. "What?"

"Nah, Sho's just being dramatic," Hizashi laughed from the driver's seat.

A yelp sounded, followed by the ravenette saying, "Call me that again and I'll shave your mustach off."

"If you guys don't fucking drive the world will implode on itself because of me," Bakugou said impatiently which responded with him getting a hard nudge to his side. Karma is, truly, a beautiful thing.


The four men entered the venue, immediately being greeted by an extravagant buffet table and elegant decoration. The underwhelming sent of lavenders filled the air as soft, classical music played in the background.

"Think about all the money they spent on all of this," was the first thing Bakugou had said.

Kirishima hummed in agreement, his eyes sparkling at all the decorations. Bakugou and himself had talked about marriage in the past and how it was impossible for them at the moment( with their jobs and the legal invalidity of homosexual couples in Japan), but he still liked to think about it.

"Katsuki, Eijirou!" A cheery feminine voice squealed.

"Ochako!" Kirishima replied back with an equal amount of enthusiasm.

"I'm so glad you two could make it," Uraraka beamed, wiping at her dove white suit. "I was betting on whether Katsuki would come with Denki for a thousand yen, and it looks like I've won."

"Of course I'd fucking come," Bakugou grumbled, though without the same harshness those words would accompany five years ago. "Or else Shitty Hair would be on my case about it for the next month or something."

"And it's also because we wanted to support you three," Kirishima added. The huff coming from his boyfriend was a clear indication that he was right.

"Anyways, I'm super glad you two could make it, but I've got to get going," Uraraka said, jumping a little. "Cake's running late and if it doesn't arrive, Shoto's gonna have a fit." Uraraka waved quickly at the duo before rushing past them into the car park.

Kirishima and Bakugou entered further into the venue to find all of their old classmates and their families as well as a couple others: Ohta( who had met Shoto in the hospital and, strangely enough, became good friends) and the trio's parents excluding Endeavour.

The interval in between their arrival and the ceremony wasn't a short wait. There were a lot of mix ups and, for some reason, Todoroki insisted on wearing a cocktail dress. Fortunately — or unfortunately in Todoroki's perspective — the dress had a large tear and they had to find a new suit for him. Regardless of all the mishaps before the ceremony, the actual ceremony was a huge success.

Kirishima and Bakugou were sitting in one of the middle rows when Uraraka walked down the aisle. The look of pure love was evident on both Todoroki and Midoriya's faces.

"Hey," Kirishima whispered to the ash blond once the third person was about to finish their vows.


"I love you."

"Idiot, I love you too."

"How much?"

"A lot."

"Promise you'll always love me?"

"Promise. I'll love you forever."

"We're such saps." Kirishima giggled, wrapping an arm around Bakugou's waist.

"I know," Bakugou replied, the faintest smile on his lips as he kissed Kirishima's cheek. "But that's why I love you."


[ the end ]

Omy this is it. It's the end.
To be honest, I'm feeling sort of bittersweet about this. I loved writing this book and the plot of it and am super happy to finally see my bois together and happy, but at the same time it's over.

I don't have much to say except thank you to everybody who took the time to read this, what, 38 chapters long fic. Honestly, I don't we would be here without any of you guys. And so now, it's time to say goodbye.

For the last time, thank you all so much for reading "A Former Classmate". <3
- Stupid_Brats1225

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