Chapter Eight: That's So Cool! But Don't Forget About Us!

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Kirishima greeted the group of four that snuck into his hospital room. Ohta was grinning widely like she always did and yelled out a greeting which resulted in her receiving hushes from the other three. "We saw what happened yesterday," Luka said, walking up to Kirishima who sat on the edge of his bed. "You okay? You looked freaked out. I m- mean, I would b- be too, in f-front o-o-f that huge c- c- cro-owd." Luka stuttered, sitting down beside Kirishima after being motioned to sit.

"I don't know," Kirishima muttered, everyone else listening close. "I guess I used to know them, but somehow I just can't remember them." Kirishima bit his lip in thought, remembering the familiar and unfamiliar faces. Kirishima snapped out of his thought when he felt a hand being placed on his right shoulder. Rin had a warm smile on his face and mouthed, "Don't think about it too much." Slowly, the bar that covered the boy's eyes peeled off, revealing bright blue eyes. They were only halfway opened and one had seemed to lose its colour. Kirishima smiled back and thanked Rin softly which Rin responded with a shake of the head.

Kirishima looked at the girl sitting beside him and said, "Why would you be nervous in front of a crowd?"

Luka blushed lightly and stuttered out, "C-co-oz o-of m-my c-c-cond-d-dition." The girl seemed to struggle speaking normally, usually stuttering every other word. She seemed to have a speech disorder that caused her to repeat her vowels or words. She started scratching at her arm, seemingly as if she half expected for her skin to tear apart.

"Kirishima, at least you got some visitors, right?" Alex pointed out, trying to lighten up the mood a bit more. He was right though. Kirishima had gotten visitors which meant they probably cared about him. "You're right," Kirishima said. After that, the room fell silent, nobody knowing what to say. Of course, that didn't last long.

"Hey, Kirishima, wanna see something cool!?" Ohta yelled, making everyone in the room jump. She really couldn't read a room's atmosphere, could she? Kirishima nodded before allowing himself to be dragged out of the room by the forearm by Ohta. The other three followed behind, making sure no doctors or nurses noticed them leave the room. "Ohta, if the nurse finds us, we'll be in serious trouble," Alex said, the tone in his voice sounded almost as if this had happened before.

"A- Alex is-is ri-ight," Luka whispered, looking around cautiously. Ohta merely continued walking, saying how they weren't going to get caught and whatnot. Of course, everyone else knew Ohta was just spurting out nonsense she herself didn't believe. She had a knack for doing that.


The group had almost gotten caught a couple of times. The first was when the nurse saw Rin and asked why he was in that specific part of the hospital. "Aren't you suppose to be in block B?" The doctor who had stopped him asked. Luckily he was at the back of the group, so the others could slip behind one of the corners. Rin merely told the doctor that he wanted to take a walk( of course through sign language) which he was allowed to do, due to his condition not being too serious. The doctor simply smiled and told Rin to be careful before continuing on his way.

The second time was even more close when they almost ran into the nurse who had brought Kirishima back into his room the other day. Luckily she had been busy with another patient to notice the group. The other couple times weren't that close, but Rin had gotten caught which left only Kirishima, Ohta, Luka and Alex. "He fought bravely," Ohta said dramatically before continuing the journey.

"D- don-n't wor-worry Ki-i-irish-shima," Luka said, smiling at Kirishima when they entered a quiet hallway. "We-we're al-almo-ost the-there!" She had the same smile as someone Kirishima couldn't remember. It was familiar. Kirishima smiled back at the girl and slowly the bar across her eyes started peeling off, much like the one with Rin. Though, Luka had violet eyes. They didn't have that usual spark in them like you'd see in Ohta's eyes, or anyone else's at that. They were like an empty abyss that led nowhere. If the eyes were actually the window to the soul, Luka would be broken. Kirishima could see she was hurting. Just like him.

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