Chapter Five: Before the Heroes Came

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Kirishima stared out the window of the lonely hospital room, slowly losing ways of distracting himself from his boredom. It had been three days since he left that hellhole and one and a half since he woke up from blacking out. Ever since then, he's been trying desperately to remember who it was that motivated him to stay alive. It was one person. He knew he cared about that person so much, but he just couldn't see his face. It was he could only remember a figure but there was a black bar that covered his face, keeping the poor redhead from knowing who it was. It was simply frustrating because Kirishima could still feel the feelings he felt for that person, but he didn't know the identity of said person.

Kirishima pulled his knees to his chest and rested his chin there, asking himself, "Why can't I remember you?" It was soft, mostly due to him talking to himself than anyone else. Kirishima closed his eyes, staring at the black abyss that stood in front of him whenever he closed his eyes. He tried to think of the memories he did have that were during the time he was missing. Of course, that wasn't going to happen, now was it? The more Kirishima told himself not to think about it, the more his brain started thinking about it.

OOF, sudden flashback, kinky-- okay I'll stop
Oh, sensitive stuf btw. . . rape *cough*

Kirishima lay on the ground, his wrists tied together with a knotted rope. He felt helpless and weak. He had forgotten the identity of who he was living for, but he still thought of them anyways. Every single day he tried to force himself to remember who it was. Who was he? Even when newly formed cuts and bruises covered his body daily. It didn't bother him so much anymore, he had become numb to the pain.

Kirishima tried lifting himself up though failed due to how weak he was and the fact that his wrists were tied together. "Fuck," he whimpered,p. Somehow, tears managed to form in his eyes at how painful it was. No, the physical pain was now like that of a mosquito bite to him. It was the mental pain. The fact that the one he loved the most was erased from his mind. "F- fuck," he chocked through the knot tying in his throat.

Back to our safe Kirishima (imsososorry)

Kirishima's shoulders were shaking up and down as he let out chocked out sobs. He this so, so much. Why was all he could remember the torture he went through? Did he do something to upset someone? Hell, he couldn't even remember why he had gotten there in the first place. All he knew was that he willingly did it. "You dumbass," he chocked out through his, now, quiet sobs. He lifted his head to see his sweatpants were damp because of all the tears. Kirishima wiped the tears away with his palms, hating how helpless and weak he was.

"Are you alright?" A soft, feminine voice said from the door, catching Kirishima off guard. When he turned to look in the direction of where the voice had come from he saw a young girl. She looked to be around fifteen with long dark brown hair that ended at her waist. She had large green eyes and very squishy cheeks that had freckles dotted all over them like stars in a galaxy. She wore a sweater that was a couple sizes too big and sweatpants. She wore slippers which meant she too was a patient at the hospital. "I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you, but I heard you crying," she said in a very high pitched voice, similar to that of a four year old. Nevermind that, the way she spoke and her posture was also that of a four year old.

Kirishima swallowed the lump in his throat, nodding while wiping the tears that somehow wouldn't stop. "N- no, I'm alright. Who are you anyways?" Kirishima asked, he voice cracking every so often. The strange girl had the biggest smile ver imaginable when she skipped into the room. She held out her hand and said, "I'm Ohta Kagamine! Let's be friends!" She had a toothy grin plastered across her face now which somehow felt familiar to Kirishima. The redhead sighed through his nose before taking the girl's hand with a light smile. "Eijirou Kirishima." Kirishima replied, sharing the same toothy grin as the girl. At that moment however, her eyes lit up as she leaned in close to look at Kirishima's teeth. "Wow!~ That's so cool!" She explained admiring Kirishima's shark- like teeth. "You know what? You should meet everyone else!"

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