Chapter Three: UA? / What's Wrong? (Couldnt decide on a name for the chapter)

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This is going to one hell of a long chapter, trust me. But, it's very interesting( I think so) so I suggest you read till the end! >:3


Aizawa held the unconscious boy in his arms as he helped him out the building. The boy had looked awful and the circular burn marks on his forehead only meant something awful. "Aizawa, is that-?" Present Mic asked before stopping himself. He got a good glance at the male, noticing the scars and burns left from what they could only assume was inhumane torture. "Yeah," Aizawa said, handing the boy over to the paramedics that would take him to a hospital. "It's Kirishima Eijirou, the one that went missing a year and a half ago." The blonde hero was confused, showing his confusion by raising an eyebrow. "Wasn't he dead?" He questioned, tilting his head a bit to see the regretful expression on the usually expressionless man.

"Not anymore," Aizawa said, sighing lightly while closing his eyes shut. Present Mic furrowed his brow, biting his lower lip in thought. "Should your class know about this?" He finally muttered. "I don't think we should tell them yet," Aizawa responded, gaining a weird look from the blonde. "They seem to be dealing with this well, so telling them now may distract them from becoming pros." Aizawa stated, somewhat making sense. It was true. If the students of 3-A found that their classmate that they thought was dead suddenly came back to life, they would probably be distracted and won't focus so much on their studies. "Whatever you say Aizawa. Do you think principal Nezu needs to know?" The blonde asked. Aizawa nodded and that was the end of the conversation.


"So how are you feeling?" Aizawa asked, not making eye contact with the boy in the hospital bed. Kirishima lifted one end of his lips and mumbled, "Better." It had been almost two days since they found Kirishima and admitted into the hospital. He wasn't in the best state, both physically and mentally, so they issued him in a more confined around. Not to mention he sent nearly a hundred men to the hospital with broken bones, limbs and such. "What's the date?" Kirishima said out of the blue, catching the dark haired male off guard. Though, it was such an innocent question, it seemed to be the one on Kirishima's mind. "May 20th 20xx. The day's Sunday," Aizawa replied, receiving a pained look on the boy's face.

"Almost two years?" He asked, biting his lip as he awaited the man's response. Aizawa nodded, staring warily at Kirshima. He didn't have that smile he once had and his eyes looked pained, as if he'd seen hell and back. "Kirishima, you need to tell me what happened," Aizawa said, for possibly the sixth time since Kirishima woke up from his semi coma. The boy obviously seemed very uncomfortable with answering that question, visibly shaking whenever he thought about what happened. But this time, he simply closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "If you really want to know," Kirishima said before taking a deep breath. He pulled up his long hair to reveal light circular marks on his forehead. Aizawa had seen them before, but didn't know what they were.

"They did something and now I can't remember much before. . ." He hesitated a bit. ", what happened. I remember there was people I wanted to see when I would escape, but I can't remember who they are." Kirishima let his hair go and tightened his hand into fists, tears threatening to fall. "I remember how much I cared about them, but I just can't remember who they are," Kirishima looked Aizawa dead in the eyes, a very faint smile on his face. "But that's only part of it," the boy's expression showed sadness and fear, but it was covered up by a calm exterior. Aizawa could see this, so he told Kirishima that was all he needed to hear that day and left, leaving Kirishima alone with only the memories of what he went through.

A few hours went by, Kirishima switching from consciousness to unconsciousness. Nurses and doctors did scans on his brain to see why he had memory loss to see the results were similar to those who had electric shock therapy. "Whoever held him for that long isn't a professional," the doctor told Aizawa, who was put in charge of caring for the boy since his parents weren't around. "His brain is fried in some areas, resulting in some of his memories been wiped completely. There also may be some people he knew well to be complete strangers to him." Aizawa listened on to the doctor, feeling more and more guilty by the minute. He should have tried harder to help find the boy, not just let it be. "Thank you," Aizawa said, closing the door behind him.

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