Chapter Seventeen: How are You Feeling?

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Kirishima sat in the nurse's office, taking deep breaths to calm his nerves. He had been taken there a couple of minutes ago since he hadn't been able to calm his shaking. A faint smile painted across his lips as he remembered how his classmates quickly jumped in to defend him. It made him think about how they were so accepting and how they were trying their best to help him remember.

"Are you feeling better, dearie?" An old woman asked, gently caressing the teen's shoulder in comfort. The old woman was known as 'Recovery Girl' and was UA's school nurse.

"A lot better, thanks," Kirishima said, his voice still a bit shaky. Recovery Girl smiled kindly at him before handing him a warm cup of tea and saying, "This will help calm your nerves."

Kirishima gratefully took the tea, silently thanking the woman before taking a sip. The warmth of the cup was enough to calm his nerves, though it wasn't enough to calm his mind. It was kept going back to the thought of him possibly murdering one of the villains. 'It was self defence, so it wasn't your fault,' he told himself, closing his eyes momentarily to try to reason with himself. Unknowingly, he brought the cup to his lips and took a small sip of the warm liquid. It didn't taste that much different from a normal cup of warm water, but there was a subtle difference. The tea was sweet, and had a scent that reminded him of honey. He took another, much longer, sip and his mind slowly went back to when he and Bakugou were at the cafe.

It was quiet, much like it was at the cafe, and a sweet scent filled the redhead's nostrils. Although it wasn't the scent of chocolate, it was close enough to bring him back to that peaceful time.

"You said that you'd always be by my side."

Bakugou's words rung in Kirishima's eyes like the sweet song of the birds in the morning, or the soft pitter patter of the rain. It was strangely soothing him, and Kirishima couldn't help but reimagine the ash blonde's piercing ruby eyes. They were sickly familiar, and Kirishima couldn't help but think of how he wouldn't mind looking in them all day. They were like a garden maze, you wouldn't mind getting lost in them; they were beautiful yet mysterious and pained. Like a dove trapped in a cage without its partner.

The redhead let out a light sigh, slowly gazing into the cup and watching a small bubble float aimlessly. He knew that he and Bakugou had been close; he could feel it. It sent him into a sense of guilt when he realised everything they had done, the relationship they had built, was just washed away. It hurt, sure, but this was the reality. It was a cruel reality that Kirishima couldn't escape. It was just a long, dark tunnel with a few beautiful moments painted on the walls, but generally it was dark.

"Kirishima?" A low voice called out to him which snapped him out of his deep, more darker thoughts. Switching his gaze to where the voice had been heard, he saw Aizawa looking at him with worry and concern painted on his face. "Are you feeling better?" He asked slowly, and very softly, like if he were to raise his voice Kirishima would break.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Kirishima spoke just as quietly as Aizawa, not really knowing why. "But, what about everyone else?" Kirishima locked eyes with Aizawa, feeling a sudden sense of worry for his friends. "Are they okay?"

"They're fine," the hero said, sighing lowly. "But they're all in detention right now." Kirishima was going to ask why they were in trouble, but decided it was best not to press on the matter. 'At least they're all okay,' he thought, smiling with a relieved sigh.


Kirishima waved goodbye to Recovery Girl, thanking her softly for the tea.

"Ah, don't worry about it, dearie," Recovery Girl said, waving back with a warming smile. "Hope to not see you soon," she giggled at her own joke which a Kirishima obviously got. "Yeah, you too!" He replied before turning to face the empty corridors. It was probably somewhere around five o'clock and six, so there wasn't much natural light shining through the large windows.

The walk was mostly silence, Kirishima too deep in his thoughts to notice the world around him.

"When did it start raining?" Kirishima asked himself once he exited through the school building. He held out his hand to allow the small droplets fall onto his palm. They were like small pearls dropping from the sky, making a soft pitter patter as they landed on the ground. It wasn't unusual for such weather conditions during this time of the year, yet it was still a little sudden seeing as the last time it rained was weeks ago.

Kirishima left his hand fall limp beside him as he silently admired how the rainfall affected the usually loud city streets. The sky was a dark grey mixed in with bits of a lighter shade, painting a gloomy picture in the open sky. The rare shutters of lightning as well as sudden bangs of thunder accompanied the small droplets, creating a more peaceful yet gloomy atmosphere.

"Figured I'd find you here." Kirishima instantly recognised the familiar voice as that of Bakugou. He turned his head slightly to find the ash blonde holding an umbrella in one hand. The expression on his face was unreadable, yet his eyes expressed worry. Although he tried to seem calm and relaxed, he was secretly very concerned.

"Hey," Kirishima said, giving Bakugou a closed eyed smile. He then remembered something Aizawa had told him. "Didn't you have detention?"

"Yeah," Bakugou scoffed, furrowing his brows together. "But then I assumed you'd be late so I waited, assuming you don't have an umbrella?"

The ash blonde raised a brow, a small smirk danced across his lips. "Appears I was right." Kirishima laughed airy, nodded his head with his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. Bakugou made a soft tch before handing Kirishima his umbrella. "What about you?" Kirishima asked, looking into Bakugou's ruby eyes quizzically. The ash blonde ruffled Kirishima's hair, forcing himself to not comment on how soft it was, and said, "We're sharing, dumbass."

The two went silent after that, simply enjoying the other's company as they walked to the dorms.

'Why did I even call him shitty hair?' Bakugou asked himself, looking at the other's hair before looking down at his palm. 'It's pretty soft actually,' he felt his cheeks flush. He closed his eyes momentarily and shook his head, making the other male look at his strangely. "What do you want?" Bakugou hissed, looking away to hide the fact he was blushing.

"It's nothing," Kirishima laughed, holding his free hand up defensively. "Don't worry about it."

Bakugou kissed his teeth before eyeing the other. "Don't let them get to you," he mumbled, still not daring to look at the teen beside him. He received a confused hum. "Today, what they all said. I know you wouldn't do anything like that," Bakugou explained, looking at the ground. He saw how shaken up Kirishima was when he first heard he was being accused for murder.

Kirishima nodded slowly, kicking a small rock that was on the road. "Thanks. For saying that," he muttered, smiling lightly at himself. "I needed to hear that."


Ack- some soft Kiribaku moment for y'all. I dunno why I felt like writing some poetic shit at the beginning, but there you go I guess ¯\_()_/¯

Anywho, I've got some homework to do and I'm procrastinating on it so hard rn and I know I'm probably gonna rush through it on the last day of summer d(;;d)

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