Chapter Sixteen: The Rumours, Are They True?

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The group went to the cafeteria, all chatting away about the day or school the next. "Isn't that the one?" A student whispered to another as the group passed by. The other student nodded and backed away, almost frightened by them. The class saw the same reactions from a couple other students as they entered the cafeteria, but didn't think much of it. It wasn't until they sat down did they notice how uncomfortable their beloved redhead was looking.

"Is there something wrong, Kirishima?" Tokoyami asked, showing an expression of concern which was quite rare. He received a sheepish shake of the head in return and a soft; "It's nothing." Obviously, they all could tell something was bothering the redhead, but nobody pressed further on the matter. They didn't want to pry on something that didn't make Kirishima comfortable, so they just left it.


The next day went by fairly quickly, exception to this was the lecture they received in the morning from Aizawa telling them off for the previous day. Other than that, it was fairly normal. Kirishima seemed slightly off, but eveveryone assumed it was him just getting used to the new surroundings. "The sports festival's next month, isn't that right?" Kirishima asked the 'bakusquad', which was a group that consisted of Mina, Sero, Kaminari and, surprisingly, Bakugou.

"Oh yeah, that right," Mina responded, stretching her arms out as she turned around in her seat. It was the end of the day and the class was just chatting about. "Your gonna love it!" Kaminari walked up to the two with a chair in hand and sat down beside them. Mina quickly filled him in on what they were talking about. "Heck yeah, the sports festival is super cool!" Kaminari cheered, punching his fist into the air.

"What's it for?" Kirishima asked, having forgotten of this event. Mina patted his on the head, cooing softly about how soft his hair was before going on to explaining what the sports festival was. "We're basically gonna do all these cool games in front of many pro heroes! Like, the rest of the country is gonna be watching and it's just- ah!" Mina started to fangirl, going on and on about how their class always got the top three and how they were basically the main attraction. Kaminari and Kirishima simply listened to Mina as she went on a ramble before they heard a loud shriek. All eyes in the room moved to the now open classroom door to find many students standing outside the door.

The girl that shrieked look as if she was in the first year. "Where is Kirishima Eijirou?!" She screamed, fear in her eyes with a sweat going down her face. The rest of the students looked equally as scared which made for a very confusing situation. Momo, the one who had opened the door, turned her head and pointed to the redhead who was sitting in his desk behind Mina. "What is this about?" She asked warily, eyes locked with the first year. She could see how fearful the first year was, but she was obviously trying to act brave.

The first year stood up straight, crossing her arms with a soft hmph. She took a step forward into the classroom and stated, "He's a murderer."

"That's absurd," Momo said back, furrowing her brows and crossing her arms, mirroring that of the first year's. "I know Kirishima, and he wouldn't do something like kill someone." Momo spoke calmly, not wanting to have this situation last long. It was probably just some big misunderstanding, right?

"That's rich," the first year spat, leaning most of her weight onto one foot. Another male, also in the first year, walked up to the two and handed Momo a newspaper with an article on it. It was regarding the inprisonment of the white men. "I heard teachers talking about how he,"— the male pointed to Kirishima— "didn't necessarily kill anyone, but put most of these guys in the hospital. Though, there's a rumour that some didn't survive," the male trailed off. He spoke quietly so only Momo was able to hear him speak which left the rest of 3-A clueless.

"Momo, what is this all about?" Sero asked, walking up beside the girl. She looked deep in thought. "They're accusing Kirishima of murder," Momo mumbled, covering her mouth after she said so. Sero furrowed his brow before looking over at the rest of his class that heard what Momo had said. Of course, Iida was no longer there, but he knew the boy had gone to get a teacher for help.

"That's crazy," Mina said, standing up from her seat. She looked determined and ready to fight. She wasn't the only one though, most of the class looked ready to defend their friend while others went to comfort the unreadable redhead.

"I killed. . . Them?" Kirishima mumbled, staring down at his palms in fear. He blocked out the sounds of his classmates defending him and only thought of how disgusting he was. "I'm just like them. . ." He felt his palms start to shake and a knot tied in his throat. He was shaken out of his thoughts by Aizawa staring at him. "Kirishima, it's okay," the hero spoke calmly, and comforting in a way. "Calm down." He hugged Kirishima and whispered for him to calm down over and over. Only then did Kirishima realise how much he had been shaking. "I didn't kill anyone, d-did I?" Kirishima asked, his voice shaky as he held Aizawa close to him. The hero shook his head, knowing the other could feel the movement of his head.

Meanwhile, other teachers were trying to calm all the frightened and belligerent students outside the classroom as well as those inside the classroom. Somehow, Bakugou had started yelling at one student and it could have turned into a full blown fight if it wasn't for Midnight rushing in and putting the two students unconscious. "This is all just a huge mess," she breathes out, holding the unconscious Bakugou bridal style with Cementoss held the other unconscious student. "As is expected," the male hero said, sighing lightly. "But a little more sooner than we had hoped."

Midnight hummed in response, taking a glance at the redhead who was being comforted by the usually stoic hero. "I sympathise with me," she said, an empathetic expression painted on her features. "Being told you've killed someone is one of the worse feelings you can feel,"— the dark haired hero turned back to the man beside her— "I should know." Cementoss gave an empathetic nod, understanding where Midnight was coming from. "I think Aizawa's got this handled," he said calmly, then turning to look at all the arguing students with a frustrated sigh. "But this is probably going to take a while."


Heck- 2k reads already?? Hell, it feels like only a few days when I was thanking you all for 1k wtf???
But hell, all the nice comments you gave me and are continuing to give me are helping me through this shithole I call life. ^^ Like, I know that if my friends do end up drifting away from me, I'll still have y'all, right?
Ack- I'm gonna make this thanks shorter than the last because I really don't know what else to say but. . .

Thanks? <3

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