Chapter 2-Tree Seed: WhAt A sHoCkEr (SF arc part four)

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Thanks bruh_89 for telling my about "Sharks and Minnows" lmao coz that's the game next, just with a LOT more violence ;w;


Kirishima met up with the rest of the class and headed into the field with them. The redhead was looking at the cheering crowd, hoping to spot his group of friends. Though, he wasn't able to find them and his attention was then directed over to Midnight who was announcing the rules of the game. "Students will be at the beginning of the race and they will need to get to the end while trying to avoid the 'sharks' which will be the teachers. At least six students'll need to make it to the end;" Midnight said, her lips upturning into a cruel grin. "Good luck to you all!"

The students went over to the large track outside the stadium, one much like the one from their first year, except two times longer. There was a bit of small talk between the students, but that was it. Most were preparing themselves for the race while others were helping boost others confidence. "Let's do our best, okay?" Kaminari said to the redhead, holding up a thumbs up with a wide smile on his face. Kirishima nodded, replying with a soft, "Yeah."

"The countdown starts now!" Midnight said into the mic, followed by there very loud, monotone beeps. On the last one, all the 50 students lunged forward as the game had started. Kirishima was near the back, and didn't start running immediately. As long as he's in the top six, he'll be fine. 'From what I can remember about Sharks and Minnows, it's that if you get tagged by a shark you become a shark so,' Kirishima thought, barely running past another student. He noticed, up ahead, students were fighting teachers. He could also see Bakugou, Todoroki and Midoriya had already past the first wave of teachers. "Figures," the redhead mumbled under his breath, jumping over a student that was thrown back. Turns out, the first wave wasn't as tough as everyone made it out to be; it was three times easier than it was in those fight clubs Kirishima was forced into.

"Todoroki Shoto and Bakugou Katsuki are in the lead with Kirishima Eijirou and Midoriya Izuku not far behind."

The redhead peered over his shoulder to find it completely empty. He knew he definitely wasn't going to be able to out run Midoriya, Todoroki or Bakugou, but being able to outrun nearly forty six other students? That was way beyond him. "God damn," he whispered under his breath, slowly down. He had this feeling that it was strangely quiet at that moment; no cheering crowds or fighting students. Something was up.

Cautiously, Kirishima took a few steps forward, realising he might look like a complete idiot if there wasn't anything wrong. 'You're being paranoid, the others probably fought the heroes in front so it should be clear,' he told himself, but something deep down telling him the heroes were more smarter than that. 'It doesn't hurt to be cautious,' he reminded himself, a very faded memory of this woman he had met during his time in captivity. She was fairly short for a woman of her age, and very pail. Her eyes were dull and her hair was a long grey colour. She had quite a sickly complexion and a very lazed posture. She was the woman who had taught him everything he knows now. Sure, she was heartless and cruel to him, but he could see the tattoo on her neck. 007, if he remembered correctly.


"109, what do you think you're doing?"

Kirishima stares up at the woman he had come to know as 007. She had an unreadable expression on her face, much like Kirishima's. It wasn't because neither of them felt anything, they just forgot how to. After most experiments, they'd forget how to feel anything, though— if you were lucky— you'd feel a little after a while and gradually you'd be able to feel something. 007 was not one of those people.

"I was doing as told," Kirishima croaked out, his throat dry and his body feeling heavy. Strange what starving for a month can do to you.

"For fuck's sake," 007 furrowed her brows, though that seemed to be the only thing she could do to show any form of annoyance; not that'd she felt annoyed. "I told you that if these were gone by sundown you're," 007 did a finger motion across her neck, something one would do to motion they would preform a type of murder. Kirishima gulped, feeling a tingling feeling in his chest. It wasn't a good feeling.

"Yes ma'am," Kirishima whispered, just loud enough to be heard by the other. He received a huff from 007 before watching the woman walk away. He wondered what they must have done to her to make her like this.


Kirishima snapped back to reality when he heard the sound of a leaf cracking. It caught his off guard.

As quickly as you could say a, Kirishima moved into a fighting stance, arms hardened in a heartbeat. His breathing was steady— not a very usual response someone would have it this situation, but he doesn't have a usual past either. 'Calm down,' Kirishima mentally spoke, focusing on his breathing and his surroundings. His crimson red eyes scanned the trees around him and the. . . Cement wall?

The redhead heard a faint sound of footsteps behind him and, simply by impulse, he turned around and lunged his leg into the air. Turns out, Cementoss had been following him to where he was right now. Kirishima jumped back as the hero created another wall in between the two, the redhead on the side where he had just come from. "Shit," he mumbled, looking over the large barrier in his way. Something about this felt familiar, but how? 'It's not the time to think of that right now!' Kirishima told himself, biting his lower lip just enough to create a small cut( he was used to this by now). From what he could remember from training and what Midoriya had told him, Cementoss could manipulate cement without limit; unlike Kirishima who could harden for( at most) an hour.

"How am I going to get around this?" Kirishima scowled to himself when he heard the speaker go off once again.

"Half of the students have been caught!"

Kirishima mentally cursed at his luck. Not only would professional heroes be after him, but also trained students? Lady Luck must really love Kirishima at the moment. The redhead was weighing his options well he felt the ground below him shake. 'You know what, fuck it,' Kirishima thought before rehardening his arm and punching a huge into the cement wall. He didn't really have a plan, but it wasn't like he'd follow it if he made one anyways. What would you expect; he isn't Iida or Midoriya?

Kirishima, somehow, managed to land a hard punch on the hero's strange head merely by accident. This seemed to have caught the man of guard since he moved a couple steps back and tripped. He saw his opportunity and took it. The redhead ran as fast and far as he could, making sure he would be out of Cementoss' reach. Now his breath was unsteady and quick. "Bakugou Katsuki and Todoroki Shoto have made it to the end!"

"There's a shocker," Kirishima snorted, remembering the complaints of his classmates. He quickly shook his head and continued running. The redhead continued to run for another minute or so before he managed to cross the finish line. Bakugou, Todoroki and Midoriya were already waiting there for him.

After him, Momo, Mina, Kendou and Tetsutetsu managed to cross the finish line.

"I admit, I may have thrown everyone to the heroes to distract them," Kendou admitted after being questioned how she managed to get through to the end. "I was in front of her," Tetsutetsu said afterwards.



*calls up Mama Mina* hello? Mama Mina? Yes, this is XXXX speaking. I need to tell you that all your children are spending their free time reading an angsty Bakushima fanfic. You're coming over? Great!—

<two minutes later>

*mama Mina and you all are reading together like a big( a really big) happy family* omfg

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