Chapter 36: Feelings Said Aloud

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Bakugou had wandered the halls of UA for a good half an hour. The moonlight was shining through the extravagant windows of the prestigious school. Regardless of what people said about the academy these past few years, the school was undoubtedly still one of the best schools for heroes in training; as well as functioning as a regular school for the other courses.

All in all, it was a great school to wander aimlessly about. And so that's exactly what Bakugou did. His squabble with Midoriya had been buried into the back of his mind as more serious thoughts occupied his mind.

He wanted to know if the redhead was okay. The thought of Kirishima going through everything all over again haunted his thoughts, leaving all other basic worries and anxieties buried to the back of his mind.

So, of course he'd say he was over the moon when he'd received a text from the said redhead confirming nothing bad happened.

sharky 03:06am hey Bakugou!

sharky 03:06am you still awake?

sharky 03:06am it's a little embarrassing but I miss you.. and I want to talk to someone, but I don't have anyone to talk to?

A light blush found its way onto the ash blonde's cheeks as he read the texts, going over every line to the point it was permanently engraved into his mind.

His knees felt like jelly and he knew if he didn't sit down soon, he collapse on the floor and turn into a thick pile of goo.

Swiftly texting while walking, he'd managed to safely secure a seat in the cafeteria while also drafting his next text at least a hundred times.

Boom boi 03:45am Yeah, I'm awake.. I was actually worried about you

Maybe it was the lack of sleep, but Bakugou was willing to give up his goddamn ego this once. Tsundere mode could be damned for all he cared.

sharky 03:47am oh I didn't think you'd respond

Boom Boi 03:47am Why wouldn't I?

sharky 03:47am idk maybe it's because it's almost 4 in the morning

Boom Boi 03:47am you texted first

sharky 03:48am you do have a point..

sharky 03:48am as cheesy as it sounds, im actually really glad you replied..

sharky 03:48am a lot of stuff has been going on and you're the only person I trust with this information

Boom Boi 03:49am I'm touched

sharky 03:49am I genuinely cant tell whether you're being sarcastic or genuine

Boom Boi 03:49am maybe both

Bakugou couldn't help the smile that dominated his features. Talking to Kirishima felt so right and comfortable that it made his stomach do backflips and other gymnastic moves he never knew organs could do. They easily fell into a steady rhythm of joking around to serious topics back to joking around etc.

The jokes make the conversation easier on, not just Kirishima, but also Bakugou. It made it not only easier to talk about, but also to read about.

sharky 04:37am and that about sums it all up owo

Boom Boi 04:37am hey, can I call you real quick?

sharky 04:38am ?? Sure?

The call started out with a bit of small talk and then went on to their usual conversations until —

"Kirishima, I've not been completely honest with you."

"Hmm? How?"

"When I read everything you told me, it hit me that I'm not being fair to you. You willingly told me everything, yet I've been too afraid to tell you this."

"Go ahead?"

Bakugou sucked in a breath. "I love you. I know I've said this before, but I realise now how much I do. Whenever you're in trouble I get nervous and anxious. I feel all happy and shot when we talk. Sometimes I think about you and how great it would be to be beside you and hug you and- damn it all. Kirishima, I know this is probably the shittiest time to tell you all this, but fuck it; I want to be with for the rest of our lives. The incident recently only proved those feelings to me even more."


"And I get it if you aren't comfortable right now. I just needed to tell you." Bakugou felt his heart beating violently against his ribcage. Here he was pouring his feelings out and the thought of rejection was scary.

"Bakugou.. I love you, too." Kirishima said hesitantly. "And I, uhm, feel the same."

A relieved sigh escaped the blonde's lips.

"Does that mean?"

"That we're?" Kirishima struggled to finish the other's sentence. It was crazy how idiotic this entire thing was, yet amazing at the same time. "A thing?"

"I think so.."

"So I guess you're my boyfriend now."

"Yep.." Bakugou couldn't help the wave of awkwardness looming over him. "So, uh,bye.. I guess?"

"Yeah.." Kirishima replied. There was a moment of silence before one of them eventually hung up.

'You goddamn idiot!' Bakugou groaned, slamming his head against the table. His face was a bright red and his face felt hot. Was he also so easily flustered? No, it had to be the lack of sleep. Or maybe it was because of the text he just received from Kirishima.

sharky 04:56am good night Bakugou ♡ or should I say good morning? idk, but uhm..

sharky 04:56am I love you.. get some sleep uwu

Bakugou cursed the world for harming such a precious boy under his breath before typing back a response.

Boom Boi 04:57am Yeah, you too

Boom Boi 04:57am night shitty hair

Rushed? Slightly.. Moving the story along? Definitely.. Extremely short? Undoubtedly..
Ughhh, 'm sorry kids I just don't have the willpower to write longer chapters smh..
Maybe I'll do shorter ones? They take less time and allow me to produce quicker with better quality- idk up to u guys :P

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