Chapter 24: History Repeats Itself ( SF arc End)

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Kirishima stood in the hallway of the stadium, simply listening to the cheering as the mini games went on. He knew he should've been out there, or at least watching to support his friends, but he felt the need to leave for a moment.

Kirishima's POV( don't expect too many of these (c" ,_) )

I sighed, kicking at a small pebble laying on the dirt ground. I had this gut feeling that told me I shouldn't be out here, yet I should at the same time. That's the weird thing about your gut, huh? It tells you one thing, yet tells you another at the same time that conflicts with the first. Of course, I chose to go with the ladder option in coming out here. I let my feet take me to wherever as my mind went to other places; places I hadn't thought about for a long time. Maybe that was a good thing— Aizawa says it's good to confront your fears.

Bakugou's POV

"Where's Kirishima?" I asked the Pikachu rip off— Kaminari— after I noticed I hadn't seen said redhead for the past ten minutes or so. "The next round's going to start soon."

"I dunno man," Kaminari shrugged, pointing to the door. "Last I saw him, he said he was getting a drink." I rolled my eyes, not caring to thank the blonde, and walked through the door he had pointed at. 'Most likely left the stadium,' I thought, sighing in frustration. Seriously, that dumbass is pretty stupid. I shook my head and starting walking once more, telling myself I needed to find him quick.


"Oi, Kirishima!" I called out, gaining a couple of people to stare at me. 'God damn, mind your damn business.' I thought, glaring at a little kid that pointed at me and called me—quote—, "Scary monster." The kid starting crying. Serves him right.

I smiled to myself, very much pleased. 'Back to finding dumbass,' I reminded myself, turning away to return to my original task. I spent another minute or so trying to find the idiot when I heard very soft sobbing coming from a bench. I knew exactly who was crying when I saw a head of red hair. Sure, it wasn't styled like it used to be( now that I think about it, he hasn't styled it since he's been back. . .).

"Ey, 's something wrong?" I asked, placing a hand on Kirishima's shoulder. I could see him jump. "Yeah, I'm fine," he mumbled, wiping away obvious tears from his face. The sight hurt. A lot. "Bullshit," I grumbled, sitting down beside him, crossing my arms abruptly. "You're a really bad liar, you know that?"

"Yeah," Kirishima muttered, a chocked out giggle followed. It was quiet after that. "You know, you can tell me if something's wrong, alright?" I told him, patting his shoulder. It must have been something I had said, because he snapped. "I said I'm fine, dammit!" He had yelled, forcing my hand off him and jumping up. We were both surprised by his actions. "I, I gotta go, I'm sorry." And just like that, he walked away. I know someone would usually be hurt in this scenario, hell I was pretty hurt, but I was more pissed than anything. Why? Because someone had hurt him. Set aside my feelings for him for now, as his friend, I was really pissed.

"Sir, is everything alright?" A security woman had asked me, pointing a finger to his fist. I didn't notice the small explosions I was setting off until that point. "I'm fine," I spat, getting up and walking back in the direction of where I had come from. Maybe I should leave him alone for a while.


3rd POV( its easier to write like this lmao)

Bakugou stomped into the seating area for their class, telling Kaminari to "shut the hell up" after said blonde tried to calm him down. "Okay, geez dude," Kaminari said, laughing lightly at the ash blonde's usual attitude. "Just trying to help."

"Hey, did you find Kirishima?" Sero asked, having previously heard Kaminari's and Bakugou's conversation before. Bakugou hesitated for a second before mumbling an annoyed, "No." Sero and Kaminari looked at each other weirdly, but didn't pry on the matter as the next round was already starting.


Bakugou looked down at the small gold medal that hung around his neck. He thought about what Midnight had said before that round had started.

"Due to personal reasons, Kirishima Eijirou is unable to participate any longer. . ."

The ash blonde sighed, eyeing Kendou and Midoriya who tied in third. It was pretty much the same as last year, except for Kendou replacing Shinsou. "Congratulations to all our winners!" Midnight yelled through the speakers, cheers followed after from the crowd. "This is now the end of our annual sports festival!"


*been at camp for the past week and sick the week before* *finally looks at wattpad* "16k reads"


Stupid_Brats1225.exe has stopped working

Okokok, but seriously, holy hell this was way more attention that I had expected when I first wrote this ^u^;;
So, uh, I know this chapter's short, but the next will be much longer and a couple more longer chapters until the end. . . So, uh, yeah :)

<3 thanks for 16k!!!

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