Chapter 28: 007 and announcement!!

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Just a quick note, this chapter is going to be the shortest chapter in this entire book. . . Although there's a ton of shit to process in this chapter ùwú and believe me when I say this, SHIT. GOES. DOWN.



Kirishima stood frozen in place with a bewildered look in his eyes. He had never— not once— thought he'd see the woman standing in front of him ever again. He was wrong.

"What did you do to Ohta?" Kirishima asked, shaking his hand and focusing on preparing to fight, not noticing how bad his fists were shaking at that point. 007 tilted her head to the left, a mockingly sick smile drawn onto her features. "Nothing."

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't do anything to her," 007 stated, returning back to her expressionless stance. "To be fair,"— she walked a couple steps towards the redhead so they were barely a feet away from each other—"she wasn't real in the first place."

"No," Kirishima said, unhardening and feeling numb. "You're– You're lying. . ." The redhead was shaking even worse at this point, his heart squeezing in his chest and tears threatened to fall from his eyes. 007 looked at Kirishima with a blank expression, though her eyes showed hints of pity and mock. "I'm not a liar, well, not as bad as your friends."

Kirishima didn't say anything.

"You know, ever since I let them find you, I've watched how you've been doing and— correct if I'm wrong— you've grown close to your classmates?" 007 circled around the quiet teen, her eyes glistening dangerously in the dark alleyway. It was clear she knew how to break Kirishima. She's learnt his weaknesses, she knew exactly how to hurt him. He wanted security, he wanted to feel loved. He wanted so desperately to be wanted; he clung to people like a magnet attracted to metal. Now she was going to break him. There was no doubt in her mind that this was the moment.

"But isn't it strange? They said you were desperate to find that one friend of yours, Natsuki, was it?"

"Katsuki," Kirishima snapped, his crimson eyes meeting with grey. "What are you getting at?"

007 forced herself not to grin. It was working. "Nothing at all, although," her expression changed immediately to grim. "Isn't it strange how you cared so much about saving Katsuki, but they didn't do anything to help you?"

Kirishima felt his heart stop entirely. His entire world slowed and her words ring in his head like a broken record. 'They didn't care?' He asked himself, staring down at his palms desperately as if they'd have the answer.

"Your case was open for, five days I believe until it was closed, although it's none of my business," 007 said walking back Kirishima and placing something small into one of his palms. "Cya around kiddo." Kirishima started wide eyed at the small piece of paper in his palm, feeling numb to the world and his feelings. He was emotionlessly staring at the printed out picture of himself as a child and sitting beside him, looking equally as happy, was 007.

As 007 walked away, her eyes glistened darkly, a sick smile danced across her face; she's made her first move, now it's theirs. "Playtime's begun, Eijirou."


Okay, the announcement:


Okok, so I was thinking that when I hit 40k or smth( which I didn't fucken think would happened Jesus Christ) I'd do a QnA about this book! So, since we're at 41k( I don't even know how god damn) imma do a QnA!!! :D

I'll be making a separate chapter for that and post in simultaneously as I do with the next chapter, so you can skip that if ya want! But yea, if there any thing you want to know about this book( the name, how long it'll last, etc), anything about me( why would you want to ask that lmao), writing tips( not that I'm good at it anyways lmao), or any of my other books or future project to can comment on


Letting y'all know that I fucken love ya and such and I'm so grateful for all the likes, comments etc! uwu

[watch as like, nobody ask any questions lmao, I'm calling it right now]

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