Chapter Nineteen: Scars and Training

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BlOoDy HeLl
4k wtffffff????????????????? It was only a few chapters( days) ago when I was thanking y'all for 2k?????? Like, WhErE iS eVeRyOnE cOmInG fRoM??? Dgdtfubobftsedjvkhudrhvkjftsrguhfghhjjb im shook :"0

Heck-- thank you guys??? Gsddgjhfdsdghnvhdreehj I know I usually write my thanks at the end of chapters but I couldn't hold my excitement and I just wanted to thank y'all as quickly as possible??? :,D

But like, thanks? I can seriously think of a couple of you from the top of my head; bruh_89 , KookiesPotato , Purrishima , bakuboom and QueenLillypadz to only name a few( sorry if I didn't add you ;-;). Every single freaking comment makes me smile, every vote warms my heart and every read sends me over the moon because people are actually taking time to read this??? :,0

Just- thank you, everyone! <3


"Good morning 3-A!" All Might yelled, opening the door harshly, making a loud bang echo in the class room. "I am here!" The class was silent, already used to the man's over dramatic nature. "No shit Sherlock," Bakugou mumbled, the people around him who heard had to fight back the urge to laugh.

"You may be wondering what we will be doing today?" All Might said, his voice loud and sort of motivating, but not really. "Well," he walked further into the classroom and stopped at the small teacher's desk. "We will be training for the sports festival, that's what!" If this was their first or second year, the class would be ecstatic, but that wasn't the case. After what had happened the previous day with the absurd accusations, most were worried for the redhead. However, he seemed pumped, slightly jumping in his seat in anticipation was somehow calming the atmosphere.

"What will we be doing?" Momo asked, holding up her hand even though there was no point to do so. All Might pointed at the girl and said, "That, you will find out! But first, get into your gym clothes and meet me at the training grounds!" The man then twirled out the room, leaving many quite confused by his sudden change in attitude and overall All Might-ness. Though, nobody really thought about it for too long since they did need to change into their gym clothes which would take probably ten to fifteen minutes and that's already long enough.

The students made small talk as they went, most unmotivated since Bakugou had gotten first place two years in a row and would most likely get first once again. "There's no point, it's always the same results every year," Sero complained, stretching out his arms forward and tilting his head to the side to crack his neck. Just a friendly reminder, don't sleep on the ground with most of your friends laying on you.

"You never know," Mina said, wrapping an arm around Kirishima while leaning a bit of her weight on him. "Something cool could happen this year!"

"That's what you said last year, gero," Tsuyu said, who had previously been listening in on their conversation. "And the only thing that happened was that that one guy from class C was moved to class B for getting third, gero." Mina hummed, pouting out her lips and she shrugged her shoulders. "You never know."

"Well, I'm looking forward to it!" Kirishima laughed, grinning from ear to ear.

After that, the topic of the sports festival was never really brought up. The small group separated at the changing rooms, Mina and Tsuyu went to the girl's while Kirishima and Kaminari went to the boy's. The chatter didn't stop there though, most of the boys continued to talk and change while Kirishima just sat down on a bench conveniently placed in the boy's changing room. "What's wrong, bro?" Kaminari asked, noticing how Kirishima hadn't made a move to change. "You scared or something?"

Kirishima looked to his bro and shook his head, a nervous grin on his face. "Sort of?" He spoke out like it was a question which wasn't what he wanted. "What is it then?" Kaminari asked, pulling his shirt to reveal his bare chest. Kirishima's smile faltered as he mumbled, "I'm a little embarrassed I guess?" Kaminari's face twisted into confusion.

"Don't worry man, nobody's judge you," Sero said, patting Kirishima on the back.

"I dunno dude," Kirishima muttered, looked down at his thumbs, fumbling with them nervously. Sero chuckled airily, saying a soft; "Promise." Kirishima but his lips before sighing in defeat. He never thought this day would come that quickly, but here he was. "Okay," Kirishima breathed out, finally letting out the breath he didn't know he was holding. Sero patted Kirishima on the back, smiling warmly at him. Kirishima stood, slightly slouched.

'It's okay Eijirou, there's nothing to worry about,' he thought to himself, lifting his hands to unbutton his shirt. Once all the buttons were unbuttoned, he closed his eyes for a second while taking a deep breath. 'Nothing at all,' he nodded to himself, silently convincing himself there was nothing to worry about. He hesitated for a second before pulling off his shirt. He didn't look anyone in the eyes, but could sense how they felt.

"Dude," Kaminari mumbled, his voice was soft and you could heard the shock. "The hell happened to you?"

Kirishima turned his head to face the blonde as well as the others behind him who had saw. "Uh, it's a very long story?" He mumbled, forcing a shaky smile. "But, long story short; the past year and a half?"

Kaminari furrowed his brows, his eyes scanning all the scars and burns on his body. This lasted no longer than a second before the blonde's face twisted into a supportive smile and said, "Well, you shouldn't have been worried about it! Nobody'll judge you." Kirishima smiled back at Kaminari, feeling a weight he didn't know was on his shoulders lift. "Thanks bro," he said.


Kirishima walked to the training ground with Kaminari and Sero by his side. Bakugou was walking behind them, just listening to what they talked about and added his opinion now and again. "I'm telling you, vegemite doesn't taste so bad," Sero said, defending one of his favourite spreads of all time. Kaminari cringed at the thought of the taste and said, "C'mon, Nutella is waaayyyyyyy better. What do you think Kirishima?"

"Uh," Kirishima thought for a second. "Nutella, definitely! It just tastes good."

Kirishima turned to the ash blonde behind them and asked for his opinion. "Nutella is for cowards," the ash blonde said. Kaminari and Kirishima furrowed their brows as they looked at each other. "Why do you say that?" Kaminari asked.

"Because Nutella tastes like shit. At least vegemite has a non shitty taste," Bakugou grumbled, stuffing his hands into his pockets. The argument went on for a little while longer and ended only when All Might's loud voice boomed from in front of them. "Hello class! Today we will be training for the sports festival coming up in the next month," All Might stopped for a second, expecting cheers from the class, but didn't receive any. "So today we will just be testing your agility and so on; nothing too fancy."

The blonde man clasped his hands together, his signature smile on his face and said, "Let's all try our best this year!"


Oof, sorry this is a little later than I usually post but I just had my first day of school and I honestly dont think this'll be my year haha ^^;;
But, I told my friends what I was worried about( in the vent n stuff) and they told me that they'd stay by my side no matter what, so I'm feeling a whole lot better :,D

Alsoooo this was originally gonna be posted when I hit 3k reads, but we already reached 4k and I was like "wtffffffffff howww" sooo??? Eep, just know I am so happy that y'all are liking my book <3

Next chapter is le start of the sports festival arc ig
Also, there are two others stories planned after this one! >:3 (they both are kiribaku because I have no self control)

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