Chapter Six: Who?

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Oooooh, shit's gonna go down in this chapter mmmhhmmmmmmm I finally stopped stalling on this and am finally gonna give you what you wanted. *wiggles eyebrows suggestively*



Kirishima turned around only to be tackled to the ground by a crying blonde. Kirishima couldn't see the blonde's face due to it being hidden by all his hair, but he knew it was oddly familiar. Suddenly a group of people ran up to Kirishima, mostly looking shocked or on the edge of crying. They all looked around the same age as himself, except one boy who looked like he was twelve. "Kirishima bro, I missed you so much! We all thought you died-!" the blonde erupted into sobs, unable to speak and could barely breathe. Kirishima stayed silent looking down at the blonde and then up at the group with a look of fear and trepidation.

A lingering fear of apprehension filled that section of the hallway, each students subconsciously holding their breathes. The redhead's eyes scanned each student's face, trying to understand why each gave him this sense of familiarity. He noticed the pro hero at the back of the group and kept his gaze at him. His expression seemed tired like always, but there was a sense of worry. "Kirishima, are you alright?" A black haired female asked, holding out her hand to help her former classmate. Kirishima recognised her as Momo. He could remember a few things about her, but not a lot. "Momo?-" Kirishima whispered, making the girl jump at the sudden use of her name. It sounded a bit like a question more than anything else, which was somewhat odd.

"Kaminari, get off him!" Another girl yelled at the blonde. Kirishima recognised her immediately as his middle school friend Mina Ashido. She had the same light pink skin and alien- like features he remembered her having. His sense of fear left him when he saw some familiar faces. The blonde let go and got off the redhead, though his tears didn't seem to stop. "Im super sorry bro, I just really missed you." The blonde smiled at Kirishima which wasn't returned. The redhead simply back away, and bit his lip. The sense of guilt washed over Kirishima when he asked that simple question. The blonde seemed like he had been waiting so long to see him again, so it hurt when Kirishima opened his mouth to say," I'm sorry, but did I know you?"

Suddenly the atmosphere became tense, the noises from both the group of people and the rest of the hospital seemed to stop. The silence was extremely unbearable, too quiet. It was as if you could drop a ball of cotton and it would be as loud as a volcano's explosion. Everyone was looking at the redhead with mixed emotions. Anger. Sadness. Regret. Pity. It made Kirishima feel weak and helpless. Like he was a child who broke his leg and everyone had felt the need to pity him while also being annoyed. It was worse than how he had felt the past year and a half.

"You don't. . ." The blonde had spoken up, slicing through the tense atmosphere. "Remember me?" Kirishima hung his head in shame and said, "I'm sorry, I don't remember you."


"What do you mean?" Iida asked the hero, following behind him as they exited off the vehicle. Him and many of his fellow classmates were puzzled by their teacher's earlier statement. However, Aizawa didn't answer but instead simply directed the students into the building, telling them to wait in the lobby while he went to the desk. It took a while, so the students started talking about the redhead.

"I wonder what happened to him," Mina said, talking to Sero and Kaminari who each had the exact question in mind. The other males simply shrugged in response, equally as curious as Mina. Kaminari felt slightly guilty for acting as if he'd forgotten about the redhead. In all honesty, he had probably been the one to take the new the worst. He felt guilty for stopping the ash blonde from checking on Kirishima. Maybe if he hadn't stopped him, Kirishima wouldn't have gone missing? Kaminari turned his head, aimlessly looking around when he noticed a head of familiar red hair. Kaminari eyes widened as the boy left his sight and, as if he acted on instinct, he ran. He ignored the calls from his classmates and simply ran.

"Kaminari, wait up!" Mina called out, following behind the blonde with the rest of the class hot on his heels. No matter how much his classmates called for him to stop, he didn't. He couldn't. He felt so guilty and had so much regret that he needed to apologise. He turned a corner and there he was. "Kirishima?!" Kaminari called, not stopping for a second. The redhead in front of him seemed to jump and turned to see who it was that called out his name and there he was. In the flesh. His crimson eyes, the scar on his left eye, his hair let down shoulder's length.

And, simply out of impulse, he tackled Kirishima to the ground, allowing the tears he never knew he was holding in. "Kirishima bro, I missed you so much! We thought you died!-" Kirishima erupted into sobs.


OOF, a short chapter I'm not really proud of. . . Whoops. . .
Oh well, this story is going absolutely fan- fucking- tastic ain't it? Anywho, next chapter spoiler: Aizawa is extremely pissed and also confused( like most of the class). Kaminari cries and Bakugou bangs his toe against a tree. Hopefully a long chapter, I don't know yet hahahhah

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