Chapter Eleven: Dunno a name again

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Kirishima sat in his seat, fiddling about with a loose string of thread off his shirt. He was sitting at the table Mina usually sat at which also included two males Kirishima couldn't recognised. The redhead was, obviously, avoiding eye contact with everyone, a feeling of guilt sat in the pit of his stomach. 'They probably hate you after what happened at the hospital,' Kirishima thought, biting the inside of his lower lip. Maybe he should just sit alone? But Mina personally invited him to join her for lunch. Kirishima had a mental debate, the topic being whether he should excuse himself from the table or not.

"Hey, earth to Kirishima?"

Kirishima snapped out of his thoughts by a voice that sounded much like Mina's. "You okay man? You've been staring at the table and didn't reply to any of our questions. Is everything alright?" Mina asked, looking at the redhead with worry evident in her expression. Kirishima shook his head, telling the pink skinned girl that he was alright. "Whatever you say," Mina said, watching Kirishima with a watchful eye. The next few minutes were pretty awkward, something you'd never expect from a group like the four.

"So," the blonde started, his voicing slicing through the thick tension in the air around them. "Uhm, sorry about, you know, jumping on you like that." The blonde looked at Kirishima, his eyes were glossy as if the blonde was trying to hold back tears.

"It's not your fault," Kirishima mumbled, looking down at the wooden table instead of the three people around him. "I probably knew you, but I just. . ." His words trailed off into silence, almost as if he couldn't bring himself to speak.

"If anything I should be apologising to you," Kirishina said, forcing himself to look at the blonde in the eyes. There was something familiar about him which irked at Kirishima. "So, do you mind if we, uh, became friends again?" The blonde smiled widely, wiping away at the tears forming with his palms, shaking his head wildly. "Sure," he said, his voice somehow managing to crack while saying that one word. "My name's Kaminari Denki," the blonde smiled, pointing to the boy sitting beside him with his thumb. "This is Sero Hanta."

The boy named Sero waved at Kirishima, a cheeky grin on his face. It was that moment that Kirishina thought, maybe everything won't be so bad after all?


Lunch ended much sooner than Kirishima had wanted. He was enjoying the time he spent with the trio, getting to know them once again. It was a bittersweet feeling.

The four entered the classroom, most students attention turning to the redhead who smiled at everyone. The newly arrivals sat down in their respective seats. "I wonder what kind of training we'll be doing today," Mina said thoughtfully, pouting a little. Kirishima simply nodded, thinking it would be better to just along with what Mina said. The other boys shrugged, continuing on with a conversation. Kirishima didn't hear what they were saying because he started spacing out.

"Alright class, get into your hero costumes and meet me outside in ten minutes," All Might said, walking into the classroom, his usual grin plastered on his face. Kirishima looked around, forgetting he didn't have a hero costume, while everyone else seemed to be excited to wear their costumes.

"Young Kirishima, is everything alright?" All Might asked the redhead, patting the teen on the shoulder. Kirishima pouted out his lips a little, mumbling, "I don't think I have a hero costume."

"Of course you do, young Kirishima," All Might told the teen. "We've made you a new one."

Kirishima shaped his mouth into an "o". "Now, go get ready for training," the blonde hero said, ruffling Kirishima hair, making it look more messier than it should be. The redhead teen nodded, putting his smile back on his face. He stood up from his chair, thanking All Might who told him he didn't need to thank him, and rushed off to change into his new hero costume. Before entering the boy's changing room, Kirishima thought about what everyone would feel when they saw him. The scars and stitches and burn marks weren't the prettiest thing to see in the world, especially on someone who was training to be a hero. Wait, once Kirishima thought about it, he had been forced to train to be a villain the past year and a half, so could he even call himself a hero in training?

𝐀 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 ⇝ 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮Where stories live. Discover now