Chapter Eighteen: Class Fort! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Oof, quick update before I start;
I was thinking of making a new fic about youtubers au? Though, I'll probably write that after I finish this fic, but it's just a thought?

Okay, lets get on with the chapter now! >:3


Kirishima stared up at the gloomy sky, noticing how the rain was lessening as the two went. "Hey, the rain's letting out," the redhead mumbled, holding his hand out the make sure that he was right. The ash blonde beside him hummed in agreement, mirroring his actions. "You're right," he muttered, letting his hand fall down to his side. Kirishima nodded, taking this opportunity to fold back the umbrella.

"Thanks, by the way," Kirishima said sheepishly, holding the the umbrella tighter. He noticed how Bakugou was looking at him strangely and added quickly: "For waiting for me, you know?" Bakugou nodded slowly, staring back to the path ahead of them. Kirishima took that as Bakugou's way of saying "no problem" and smiled awkwardly at him. After that they walked in peace, occasionally making small talk and Kirishima asking about them in the first year. "Were we friends?" Kirishima had asked innocently. Bakugou just stared into Kirishima's eyes blankly, as if he was trying to find something in Kirishima's crimson eyes. "Yeah, something like that," he had said after a short while, shifting his gaze back to the ground. He mumbled something but Kirishima couldn't hear what he had said.

"What was that?" He asked innocently, tilting his head a little.

"Nothing!" Bakugou yelled, crossing his arms abruptly. A light pink dusted across his cheeks which Kirishima found a little cute. He giggled airy which made Bakugou eye him. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." Bakugou breathed out through his nostrils before mumbling something under his breath.



The two teens walked into the dorms' building, slightly wet below their knees due to the puddles of water left after the small storm. Bakugou had taken his umbrella back and was grumpily making his way into the common area, Kirishima not far behind him. The two entered the room to find most of their classmates there; Tokoyami, Todoroki, Mineta and Ojirou being the ones not there. "Hey everyone!" Kirishima yelled, announcing his presence in the room. And, just like that one seen in Ratatouille with all the rats in the kitchen, all eyes turned to the new arrivals.

"Kirishima, are you okay?" Mina asked, jumping to Kirishima's side. Worry and concern were painted into her features and tone.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Kirishima asked jokingly, trying to lighten up the gloomy mood in the common area. Though, his efforts went to waste, because he could tell nobody bought his statement. "No, really, are you alright? You worried everyone," Mina said, firmly holding onto the redhead's shoulders. Kirishima shared the same amount of seriousness and calmly spoke, "Yeah, I'm fine." He held Mina forearm and lightly pushed it off him, smiling a little in a comforting way. "Trust me." He gave Mina his signature grin, silently telling the pink skinned girl he was alright.

The girl pouted out her lips, eyes scanning his facial features before mumbling, "Okay then."

"So, what did I miss?" Kirishima asked, noticing the everyone else were setting up what, Kirishima could only assume, looked like a pillow fort. "Well," Mina started, her eyes lighting up in excitement. "You used to like pillow forts, so we thought we'd make one to make you feel better?"

"It's gonna be a super manly fort!" Hagakure cheered from beside Momo. It looked like she was holding an abundance of pillows in her arms, but Kirishima was never sure. "Well, it was a fort, but Sero sort of," Momo trailed off, laughing lightly while pointing to a destroyed fort with Sero in the middle of the destruction. "Destroyed it."

"They're all fucking idiots," Bakugou mumbled from beside the redhead who was surprised he was still there. The ash blonde sighed, a little irritated, and quietly said," I'm going to my room." He headed towards the direction of his dorm room and somehow Kirishima couldn't blame him for leaving. "Bye then," he whispered as the other walked off, directing his gaze to the group in front of him. "Let's finish this fort, shall we?" He said, punching his fist in the air. The group cheered and most mirrored his action by punching their fists into the open air. "Yeah!"

Fixing the fort and making it big enough for everyone took a long time; probably around an hour or two. Though, it was worth it, because the end product was super cool. "Good job guys," Iida said, holding up his right thumb. Honestly, he was glad how the class was bonding. "It looks amazing!" Hagakure squealed, clapping her hands together. And it was. The fort they made was pretty big, enough to hold all of them, and had blankets and pillows stuffed on the inside to create quite a comfy and welcoming atmosphere.

"What do you think, Kirishima?" Jirou asked, turning her head to the pleased looking redhead. He nodded, holding up both his thumbs and exclaimed, "Super manly!" The girl scoffed with a pleased smirk. "It's Kirishima approved, you heard it here folks," Kaminari said, wrapping an arm around Kirishima and Jirou, a cheeky grin spread across his cheeks. Kirishima giggled at the blonde's comment while Jirou just rolled her eyes, a small smile forcing itself on her face.

"Lets go inside!" Mina yelled, jumping into the large pile of pillows and blankets inside the fort. Everyone else followed suit, everyone sitting down where it was most comfortable instead of any specific position. The large group simply chatted and joked around for a long while, forgetting time's existence and just enjoying the moment before it slipped away.

"What do you think about UA so far? You know, with today and stuff?" Kami air asked his redheaded friend. Kirishima stopped for a moment, taking his time to think about his answer. "Well," Kirishima started, staring down at the pastel pink pillow he was hugging with a light smile. He closed his eyes momentarily and continued on; "Everyone's been so nice to me, and you made me feel like home, I guess? You all stood up for me today and I just-" Kirishima sniffed, wiping away the tears building up in his eyes. "I just," he looked back at everyone, putting on his missed toothy grin and said, "I love you guys."


Oof, just more class bonding ig? Next chapter will have a timeskip which means the sports festival is coming soon! >:3
I already have the rest of the story planned out, and there is a couple more bakushima development!

Anywho~ I finally changed the book cover, and I added it at the beginning of the chapter :)

Please tell me what you thought of the chapter( or don't) and I hope you all are feeling loved because you are! <3

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