Chapter Two: Thoughts (SF arc part branch)[ more dadzawa haha]

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The trio walked around the stalls some more, checking the time every couple minutes or so. "Gah, I'm so full!~" Mina complained plopping herself down on one of the many benches placed across the festival grounds. Kaminari and Kirishima sat beside her, Kaminari in between with Kirishima at the edge of the seat. "Same!~" Kaminari said, leaning as far back as he could while patting his full stomach. Kirishima chuckled at his two friends and said, "That's 'cause you guys kept eating, even when you weren't hungry." Mina groaned out loud before saying, "But eating is so fun!~" Kirishima arched a brow, laughing airily at his friends. "Whatever, dudes."

The trio hung around for another three to four minutes until they got up to head back to the arena. "I'm gonna head to the toilets, you guys head back first," Kirishima said to his two friends as he pointed to a random direction. Kaminari and Mina nodded and said "bye" before they separated ways. In all honestly, Kirishima didn't need to use the restrooms, but instead just wanted to wander around for a bit on his own. Sure, he loved his friends to death as they've abvously feel the same, but he just needed time to assemble all his thoughts. There have been a lot of things that's been happening the past month he never had time to just, think.

He wandered a bit in the more empty parts of the festival, allowing his thoughts to trail off into the deepest parts of his mind. Of course, his thoughts went to the few memories he's gained the past month, how he helped saved Bakugou, how he did during the exams in the first year, how Bakugou used to tutor him. Kirishima raised his head to look up to the sky. His eyes moved in sync with the clouds. Why would his thoughts always lead back to Bakugou? The redhead felt that the ash blonde was someone important to him, but couldn't quite place it. He had this feeling in his stomach that the answer was so obviously, but he was too blind to see it.

"Kirishima!!!~~~~~~" a high pitched squealed from behind him. The redhead turned his head to find a group of five standing a couple meters away; Ohta, Luka, Alex, Rin and Nurse Yamaza. Turns out, Ohta was the one who had squealed out Kirishima's name( no surprise there), and was now waving her arms about in the air like an idiot. "Hey, guys!" Kirishima greeted, walking up to the group until they met halfway. "I thought you couldn't leave the hospital?" The redhead questioned, remembering how the four were upset about not being able to see the sports festival live instead of through the TV. "I made an exception," Nurse Yamaza told the confused student, pressing a finger against her smiling lips.


The redhead entered the resting room for class 3-A, feeling pumped for the next game. The next round was being delayed though, due to some complications. Everyone in the class was in the bleachers, having the usual small talk and such.

"Why aren't you with everyone else?" A man walked into Kirishima view and sat down opposite him; Aizawa. "I just, need some time alone, I guess?" The redhead responded, twirling a few strands of hair in between his fingers subconsciously. "The past month's been rough, I guess?" The hero hummed, understanding what the redhead meant. "You'll be fine," the darker haired male said softly, resting a hand on the other's shoulder. "From what I can see, now and when you were in the first year, you are strong; hell, one of the strongest people I know. I know this month's been rough, but you've got everyone here to help you. I know it's out of character to be saying this, but I'm here if you want to talk."

The redhead looked at the hero, speechless at how uncharacteristically kind this— usually— grumpy old man was being. "Tha- thanks," Kirishima stuttered, his mind only being able to muster up that one word. "Means a lot." Kirishima sighed through his nostrils, brushing his fingers through his tangled red locks. "I'm just, . . Tired." Aizawa lifted his brows, leaning back in his seat, and said," I know the feeling." Kirishima chuckled at the older male's remark, knowing Aizawa probably had 'tired' as his permanent mood all day long, seven days a week. There was a short, comfortable silence between the two before an announcement boomed through the he loudspeakers: presumably made by Midngiht judging by the voice.

"The games will be starting again soon! Will all students that got through please come to the grounds. That will be all!~~"

"Well," Aizawa stood from his chair, Kirishima mirroring his movements. "Good luck out there, kid." The hero ruffled the redhead's hair before walking out the room, his back slouched. Kirishima beamed, a small smile making its way on his face. "Will do."


Sooooooooooooo I have no fucking clue what the next game will be HAHAHHAHAHHA ^^;;
I honestly wanna write about the one v once matches, but I CANT since I have to do the first two rounds then the games before the last round and UGHHHHHHHHHHHH

BUT HEY, the guys from the hospital are back( dunno if y'all care lmao) and more dadzawa QWQ
Again, join my discord sever if you want( the link's in the last chapter) coz there are now bots! Also, if you have an idea for what game the next round could be, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE suggest them in the comments qwq thanks <3

(Edit: if any of you know anything TODOKAMI related, pleasseeeeeee tell me. I have a thirst for this ship and it is not being quenched ;A; yeah that's it, I'm just  thirsty hoe is all)

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