Chapter Twenty One: Capture the Flag and Stalls (SF arc part two)

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Midnight explained how the game would work and what the rules were.

"You all will be divided into five different colours. There are fifty flags hidden; you will need to find one flag of your colour. Or, you can try to steal the flag of another person of the same colour." Most the students nodded after the explanation, clearly understanding the aim of the game. The dark haired hero then went on to explain the rules; how they weren't allow to get another flag not their colour, etc.

Maybe he was being paranoid, or it might have been the anticipation of the games, but Kirishima was positive he saw some of the students looking at him weirdly; belittling in a way. "Kirishima, everything alright?" Kaminari whispered to him, tying a coloured cloth around his wrist. Kirishima tied his own coloured cloth, noticing Kaminari and himself had different colours. "I don't know," Kirishima whispered, keeping his voice low so nobody else could hear him. "But I feel like people are looking at me?" His tone was questioning, sounding like more of a question instead of a statement. Kaminari looked around and was going to tell his friend how he was probably being paranoid, but stopped himself when he saw at the very least, five students looking at them. The blonde honestly didn't know what to do or say at that moment, and was relieved when Midnight told everyone to go to their designated areas by colour. "Good luck, bro," Kaminari whispered to the redhead before going over to where he was assigned. Kirishima shook his head, mentally telling himself to get it together, before heading to his designated area. His coloured cloth was a crimson red, similar to his hair colour, so he simply followed everyone else with the same colour to where they were meant to go.


"Good luck to you all!" Midnight announced through the mic before an alarm went off that signalled the start of the game. The second the alarm was heard, all the students rushed to find flags of the same colour. It was definitely a more clever plan to search for a flag instead of fight for one, but that wasn't gonna stop Kirishima. The redhead didn't prioritise finding the flags, but instead he focused on how each student fought. It was a little strange to focus on that in the first round, he would admit that, but it's always better to be safe than sorry.

"Twelve of the flags have been found!" Midnight announced once two minutes into the round had passed. Kirishima stared up at the screen that showed how many flags were left and who had the flags. "Kaminari' shot one already?" The redhead asked himself, shifting his gaze back to how many red flags were left. The number 3 was shown. 3 red flags left. Kirishima looked back to where everyone else was— as he hadn't moved from his original spot— and scanned the area. His eyes landed on a few students with red flags; Todoroki and Tokoyami being two of them. The redhead found a student with blonde hair and horns sticking out from her head. He recognised we from one of the girls that brought him cupcakes that one night. He didn't feel it be morally right to steal the the flag from her, but she was open and it was extremely easy too. He had noticed she wasn't great with surprise attacks from watching her before and he easily devised a plan.

The redhead shook his head while telling himself it's okay. "Sure, she'll probably hate you afterwards, but this is what happens during these things, right?" He let out a forced sigh before pushing aside his morals, like he had done many times in the past. Swiftly, Kirishima made his way behind the blonde in a way so nobody would notice him. Once he was only a couple of feet behind the girl, he stretched out his arm. The girl somehow must of noticed him and turned to face him, his hand hitting one of her horns instead of getting the flag. The blonde went into a fighting stance and Kirishima did the same. "Nothing personal, promise!" Kirishima said, smiling awkwardly before running up to her. She moved her arms up to block her face— where she assumed Kirishima to hit— but never felt the blow.

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