Chapter Two: Its Okay Now

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It had been almost a year and a half since the class of 1-A, now class 3-A, found out one of their classmates and friend was possibly kidnapped by villains. At first, they all seemed slightly on edge about it, worried something bad might have happened to their friend. Though, it's been so long and their training to become pro heroes became more tough, they didn't really have the time or energy to worry about it. Of course, they missed the manly redhead, but they had to move on. For all they knew, he could be dead in a ditch.

"Fuck you, shitty nerd," Bakugou growled before setting off an explosion towards the greenette. Currently, the class 3-A were fighting against each other one on one and it just so happen to have Midoriya against Bakugou. It was irritating to the ash blonde, due to the 'shitty nerd's' damn speed, he could barely lay a finger on him. Same goes for Bakugou. Over the past year, Bakugou became more tactical and his agility improved by a landslide. He was one of the fastest in the school, second only to Midoriya of course. That made him even more irritated.

"Time is up!" A loud voice boomed through the speakers, ending the match right then and there. The two boys looked a teacher other, Midoriya with a nervous smile while Bakugou just scowled at him. The ash blonde didn't have such a bad temper now as he did back then, but it was still terrifying. "Fucking shitty nerd," Bakugou said, raising his chin slightly. "I will beat you next time." And with that, Bakugou walked out of the arena, mumbling an array of colourful words as he went. But seriously, the boy was extremely creative with his choice of words. Midoriya followed behind the irritated male to the viewing area where the rest of the class was.

"That was amazing, deku!" Uraraka squealed when the two entered the room. She had surprised the poor boy in a tight hug. She was, by far, one of Midoriya's biggest fans and best friend. Bakugou saw the sight and rolled his eyes, kissing his teeth before going to the back of the room. They usually were graded after everyone had fought, so he was free to do whatever he wanted until near the end of class. And, knowing that angry ash blonde, he didn't give two fucks about whoever was going to fight next. He still saw them as 'extras'. Nothing ever changes really.

"You did great, gero," Tsuyu said to Bakugou as he walked past her. Bakugou just nodded, not taking his eyes off the spot he was planning to stay at for the rest of the lesson. And soon enough, the next battle started. Everyone seemed interested in what was going on during the fight, but Bakugou was just at the corner of the room with his phone out. The news going on around at the time was about some villain group which Bakugou couldn't give a damn about. Apparently, Aizawa and most of the teachers at UA were going on a mission to uncover a villain group's base. They were called the 'White Men' which Bakugou thought was fucking stupid. Who the hell would call themselves such a dumb name?

Sighing through his nose, Bakugou switched off his phone and looked around the room. Everyone seemed to be interested in the fight, no surprise there. He seemed to be the only one who still cared about the missing student. It was strange because even Kaminari and Sero seemed to have gotten over it quickly. In fact, Bakugou would bet ten dollars that they forgot who the hell Kirishima was anyways. "Fucking assholes," he murmured, getting irritated at himself again.


"Be on guard, we don't know who or what could be inside!" Eraser head, the home room teacher of class 3-A, said, adjusting his goggles. He and a number of other pro heroes as well as police were standing in front of a fairly old building. It was presumably the base of an extremely dangerous villain group called 'White Men'. They apparently got the name because of the blank white masks they wore. The group was the the main suspect in a number of murder, rape and kidnapping cases across the country, making them one of the most feared villain groups.

"We're going in," the first group of heroes said, before slowly making their way to the door of the abandoned building. The group consisted of Eraser head, Midnight, Cementos, as well as a few other heroes. Making their way in, they only saw an extremely wrecked room. The wallpaper was peeled off the walls and were shredded on the ground, shattered glass was sprinkled across the room in a variety of different colours. The stairs were crumbling apart and the furniture was everywhere. The group searched around the room until Cementos found something.

"There's a hatch underneath this mattress," the man said, holding up an old mattress to reveal a small hatch. "These villains are one of the worst and their opening to their base in a secret hatch?" Midnight said, rolling her eyes at how anticlimactic this was. Of course, she was scolded by Aizawa who told her it wasn't the time for jokes. "It might be a trap, why else would there not be anyone guarding the entrance?" He had a point. They had to be cautious or else they may end up dead. Carefully, one of the heroes opened the latch and one by one, the heroes went in. Once down, they saw that they were in a very, semi lit long corridor. There were metal doors every meter on each side of the walls. There was a door at the far end of the corridor that looked like every other door. The difference was that there were Latin words none of the heroes understood written across the door.

"Let's split up," Midnight suggested, well aware that was the most stupid thing to do. But what choice did they have? At least if one of them was attacked, the others could call for the heroes outside for backup. Apparently the other heroes knew this and agreed with her suggestion. In the end, Aizawa and Midnight were teamed together, mostly due to their quirks easily working together. "Me and Eraser will take the door down there," Midnight old the others before they split up.

Walking along the quiet corridor, Aizawa eyed the left wall, noticing a long scratch mark that seemed to be continue till the end. "Don't let your guard down," Aizawa warned, pointing to the scratch marks for Midnight to see. She nodded, tensing up slightly. Once they finally got to the end of the corridor, they could heard something from the other side of the door. Someone was yelling? Aizawa pressed his finger to his lips, signalling to the other hero to stay quiet. He leaned his head close to the door so he could hear what was being said. The voice was familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time. It sounded pained and at the brink of tears. Another voice sounded muffled and weak. That was it, Aizawa motioned for the other to get backup which she did.

The dark haired male pushed open the door and was ready to kick ass until he was what was inside the room. Unconscious men wearing white masks were scattered across the room, most bleeding out their sides or limbs. In the middle was a man who was still conscious, but extremely weak. His mask was beside his face and could be mistaken to be a red mask. On top of this man sat a boy that was continuously punching his face. The boy's chest was bare and showed countless scars and cuts as well as burn marks. His hair was until his shoulders and seemed to have been dyed a red colour. Aizawa counted move his body, he was just in a state of shock. Finally the boy noticed the hero at the door and turned to look at him, his eyes dead looking.

His blank expression turned into a weak smile and suddenly Aizawa felt the guilt creep up on him when the male said, "Mr Aizawa?" The voice was familiar, too familiar. The scar on his right eye. The dyed hair. The boy stood up from the now unconscious man and staggered over to the hero. Aizawa grabbed hold of the weak boy when he seemed to black out. At that moment a large group of heroes and police officers came into the room. The sight was terrifying. Those with weak stomachs had to leave while the rest took over. Of course, Aizawa held the poor boy in his arms, feeling regret and guilt creep up on him.

He was found after being announced dead.


Holy nacho cheese, that was EdGeY. Anyways, they found my baby boy after they concluded he was dead . uwu
Hehe, it's only now starting to get interesting isn't it? Anyways 1500+ words mah dudes. I'm proud.

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