Chapter Nine: Moving Out and In, and Peace Offerings?

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This chapter is gonna be less sad then the rest, but Kirishima cries somewhere, so there's that. Apart from that, it's pretty cool. . . Okay, this is seriously hella long, so brace yourselves uwu (4500+ words mah dudes)


"You're starting at UA in two days," Aizawl said to the redhead, reading over every paper to make sure nothing of importance was missing. It was currently a Friday which was the last day Kirishima was meant to stay in that depressing place of a building. "You'll need to move into the dorms today though, which will be a pain." Aizawa spoke, the last bit more to himself that the teen in sitting in front of him. The hero ran his fingers through his surprisingly soft hair, sighing lightly. The past few days haven't been, what you would say, ideal. The boy who had been considered dead was found, turns out he almost killed hundreds of villains, lost of his memories from inhumane torture, class 3-A found out and aren't focusing on their studies worrying about it, Kirishima is going back to UA. Yeah, not the ideal week.

"Dorms?" Kirishima asked, tilting his head a little in confusion. From what he could remember, his parents disliked the idea of boarding schools, saying how their hearts would break if he were ever to go to one. So why would he have gone to a boarding school? "Every damn year your class gets in trouble with villains, so the school set up forms to keep them safe or whatever," Aizawa explained, sounding as if he were against the idea. He probably wasn't though.

"Does that mean I won't be able to come back here?" Kirishima asked. "Because I promised Ohta, Alex, Rin and Luka that I'd come visit them! Well, I only told Rin yesterday and I haven't told him that I promised to visit them, but I think he knows." The boy started rambling on and on and it kind of reminded Aizawa of Midoriya.

"Yeah, I'll make sure of it," Aizawa said, ruffling the redhead's hair to shut him up. The rambling of his students always got on his nerves. "I'm gonna go give this to the doctors, you wait here, alright?" Aizawa said, removing his hand from Kirishima's hair. He left the room quickly, telling Kirishima he would be back in a few minutes. On his way to the doctor's office, Aizawa tried to imagine what Kirishima may have gone through. Electric shock 'therapy'? Aizawa shuddered at the thought. Whatever happened to the redhead must of scarred him, both metaphorically and literally. Tapping his index finger against his chin, Aizawa wondered how would the students react. Scared? Angry? Hurt? Confused? Probably all if Aizawa was going to be honest.


"Promise you'll visit?" Ohta furrowed her brow, holding out her pinkie. Kirishima laughed and interlocking his own pinkie with her's and said," For the fifth time, I promise!" Ohta pouted as they let go of each other's pinkie, crossing her arms with a soft "hmph!"

Alex patted Kirishima on the back and told him, "Good luck mate," with a cheeky smile. Rin made some hand movements which Alex told Kirishima was his way of saying good luck with his studies. Luka hugged Kirishima and told him to "d-do your-re bes-st!" Waving to his friends, Kirishima entered Aizawa's car, thinking of how lucky he was to have friends that excepted him so easily. It may have been because they were also troubled, but for the past week the four had snuck him out of his hospital room to that secret garden to simply hangout. Like normal teenagers did.

"You okay?" Aizawa asked, looking over to Kirishima who had been fidgeting in his seat. He looked dazed and a bit uncomfortable. Kirishima snapped his head to the direction of the hero with the widest grin he had made since he had been found. "I'm just super excited!" Kirishima said, slightly jumping in the car seat. "Though, in a bit nervous. You said that the people I saw were going to be my class and I'm scared that I might have made a bad impression." Kirishima rubbed the back of his head, anxious at the fact he may accidentally bump into someone he didn't remember who knew him. "I little worried, you know?"

𝐀 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 ⇝ 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮Where stories live. Discover now