Chapter One ↬ He's Gonna Be Alright

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Edited: 25/02/2019
Published: 06/08/2018

Bakugou sat in the common room, irritated and restless. Ever since Aizawa told the class of Kirishima going missing two weeks ago, and how he may be related in some villainous business, Bakugou hadn't been able to sleep that much. He got irritated more easily and he was slightly more violent than he usually was.

The rest of the class hadn't been doing much better; most of them were extremely worried for their missing classmate and friend. What made it more suspicious was that him going missing was never revealed to the public.

"Fucking shitty hair," Bakugou whispered quietly, not loud for anyone else in the common space to hear him. "Where the hell are you?" He bit the gum of his lower lip, scrolling through every news article regarding the incident at the zoo.

"Kacchan, what are you looking at?" Midoriya asked, peering over to look at what the ash blonde was doing. In response, Bakugou glared at Midoriya, quickly pressing the switch off button on his phone so the greenette wouldn't see what he was reading.

"The fuck you want, deku?" Bakugou's words were laced in venom and he finished his sentence with a death glare, scaring the poor boy Midoriya.

"I'm worried about you, Kacchan," Midoriya said softly, furrowing his brow. "Is it about Kirishima?"

Bakugou's expression softened to slight regret and a bit of anger. The ash blonde turned to look back at his phone and mumbled, "You don't know shit."

Midoriya hugged his old friend, somehow feeling the need in comforting him. The greenette sat down beside the ash blonde, sitting a few couple inches away from Bakugou in case he were to try to explode anything. Midoriya sat silent for a moment, thinking of words to say.

"Kacchan, I know that you care about Kirishima, but you can't let that be the only thing you focus on," Midoriya waited for the other to explode something and start yelling, but instead he sat silent. Midoriya took this chance to continue on. "I know that Kirishima will be fine. He's strong, so I bet he'll be found soon."

Bakugou didn't say anything. He just stood up and left the common area, thinking over what 'that damn deku' had said. As much as Bakugou didn't want to admit it, Midoriya was right. Kirishima was strong and could handle his quirk well, so there shouldn't be anything to worry about.

Shutting his dorm room's door behind him softly, Bakugou sat on the edge of his bed, frustrated at why he was getting so worked up about the redhead. Yeah, he saw them as friends, so that might have been why. When Bakugou thought about what Aizawa told the class about what they found at his family's place, he felt an anger bubble inside him. For once he had finally seen someone as an equal who saw him the same way, but they just had to go missing.

The ash blonde sighed, running his fingers through his hair, and allowed himself to fall onto his back. He was definitely pissed, but there was something else. It wasn't something Bakugou had ever felt before. Regret? What the hell did Bakugou regret?

"Shit," Bakugou laughed dryly, covering his eyes with his arm. He stayed there for a long time, thinking how he couldn't help Kirishima like how he'd help him at the camp. Suddenly, Midoriya's words rang in his ears, snapping him back to where he was.

"He's strong, so I bet he'll be found soon."

Even if he didn't want to admit it, that damn nerd was right. Kirishima was strong and could easily defend himself, so there was nothing for him to worry about. At least, that's what he told himself.

'He's gonna be alright.'


Just a disclaimer, I'm gonna mention some EdGy and SenSiTiVe stuff right now, so continue at your own risk. May trigger some people, I don't know.

Kirishima leaned against the concrete wall of his cell, feeling the cold, rough surface against his back. His hair was a complete, and utter mess, having him not tending to it in weeks. His bare chest was covered in cuts and a few burn marks; the newest injury being a long cut up the middle of his stomach that had been stitched back up.

It was painful, to say the least, but Kirishima didn't let himself break. He had so many people to live for; His parents, his classmates at UA. There was also him. He wasn't going to allow himself break, no matter what.

The sound of a door opening and closing again could be heard from down the corridor, a dozen footsteps coming closer to the boy's cell was heard as well. Once it was close enough, Kirishima could heard two of the men talking. They are saying something about having to wait for something.

Kirishima couldn't hear what exactly the men were having to wait for due to him being dragged out of his cell by the wrists by two very large men. They wore blank masks, so the identity of these men were unknown to the boy.

Kirishima was being dragged by the two men for what seemed like an eternity until they reached a very large room. The room only had one light which shown above a chair. It was one of those you'd see at a dentist's office, but this one was different; there were machines that resembled those from horror movies during a torture scene; there were a couple of men who also had the same white mask on, but they were dressed up as doctors.

Kirishima was continued to be dragged by the men further into the room until they got to the chair. In less than a minute, these men managed to tie him into the chair, tying his ankles and wrists extremely tight so he could barely move them around without the material burning his skin. It wasn't like he could that much without the restraints.

As Kirishima attempted to struggle out of the bounds — much to him failing — the doctors were sticking these circle like stickers that wired up to the machines onto his forehead.

They asked him simple questions such as; "What's your name?" "How old are you?" "Where are you from?" etc. Of course, Kirishima refused to answer any of them, knowing it was best to keep his mouth shut.

He had been keeping it shut since he got there which was almost four weeks ago. One of the doctors finally gave up in asking the questions, saying to the others, "He isn't going to talk."

The others seemed to agree, nodding in response. It was then that one of them switched a button on the machine that sent an electrifying pain through Kirishima's head.

It was still worth it.


Ah, Kirishima I'm so sorry my baby ;-;
So in the next chapter I promise something INTERESTING will actually happen. I'm honestly just stalling at this point, so I'll just get on with it now.

𝐀 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 ⇝ 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮Where stories live. Discover now