Chapter 07

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Y O U                                

I had no choice. I had to visit the library again to finish my astronomy thesis or else professor Seokjin will grant me the ugly F letter on my report. It wouldn't be pretty.

"It's okay. You got the talisman already. That ghost will never bother you again." I tried to convince myself, sucked in a deep breath.

As to my surprise, I really didn't meet the pale ghost today. I sighed in relief and started to open my notebook and took out my pen, trying to write some of the important information I had gathered from the books.

I was working peacefully for several hours until a small creak made my heart beat crazily.

Someone had pulled the seat nearby me. Again.

I hesitantly looked at my side and widened my eyes as the pretty guy greeted me once again! Too bad he was a ghost, he was pretty though...

The guy saw me who sat stiffly on my seat and decided to greet me first. "Hey there, we're meet again." He crooked a smile. Why he had to be so damn attractive? This wasn't fair for my heart, at all!

I gulped and sneakily retrieved my wallet from inside my bag, taking out my talisman. I suddenly stood up and pinned the talisman harshly above the guy's forehead.

"What the hell?!" He shouted angrily.

"What is this?!" I backed away as I saw the guy took off the talisman easily without getting any effect out of it.

Did I really get scammed?! I paid twenty thousand won for goodness sake!

"Hey! I'm asking you!" He glared at me, pointing to the seemingly useless paper, with Hanja written on it.

I mustered all of my courage and answered, "Talisman, duh." I knew I sounded like an idiot, maybe I am.

"What for?!" He glared at me, raising his voice, clearly pissed off.

"To shoo a haunted spirit like you. Tsk, it must be a fraud, why didn't it work?!" I whined loudly in front of him, in front of the ghost.

"Maybe because I'm not a ghost!" He snapped.

"Whatever you say, Casper" I simply shrugged and gathered my things, ready to run away from this embarrassment. I hanged my head low to hid my now red burning cheeks with my hair.

Whatever. I'll just gonna bring these books and do my assignment at home.

But the pale guy didn't stay and followed me instead. I pretended to not see him but couldn't because he kept asking me stupid things!

"Casper what? Who is Casper? My name is Min Yoongi." He suddenly introduced himself.

Yes! I finally know his name. I squealed inside.

"You didn't know Casper? Your nice and humble ghost? " I cocked my left eyebrow at him as I stopped my step, turning around to face him.

"Of course I know." He clicked his tongue. "But why did you call me that?" He continued to ask but I ignored him and walked away.

"Is it because I am cute?" He fastened his pace and walked beside me now.

I groaned.

"Of course not. Duh. It's because your skin was so white plus you are small, just like Casper." I said in a mockery tone.

"Small means cute right?" He gave me a fake tear and pouted.

I grinned at his cuteness. But no, I won't admit it.

"There are huge differences between small and cute. And you. You just simply small and not cute." I laughed at him who stared at me dumbfounded. Of course I had to lie. The biggest lie in my life perhaps, please forgive me, dear Lord in the Heaven...

I marched faster toward my class when I suddenly bumped into a bigger body.

"Y/N?" It was Taehyung and I let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Tae, let's go grab something to eat." I snaked my arm on his as he tilted his head confusedly.

I pulled him to walk faster as I heard a footstep still following me from behind. I squeezed myself tighter onto Taehyung's thick arms.

"Y/N... " he called me softly.

"Y-yeah?" I stuttered and kept looking straight to the front

"Why is that pale guy keep on following us?" He asked

I stopped deadly on my track and looked at him straight. "You can see him too?!" I gasped in disbelieve. Taehyung could see the ghost as well!

"Of course why—"

"He was the ghost I was talking about!" I cut him off and whisper shouted at him.

Taehyung tried to keep his poker face on but failed miserably as he started to laugh out loud.

"Is that the guy who made you go to a shaman? Seriously?!" He laughed at me.

He turned back to the pale guy who was still watching us from behind and walked closer to him.

"Tae! What do you think you're doing?!" I pulled his wrist to stop him from talking to the ghost.

"Hello there, stranger?" Taehyung greeted the shorty, plastering a fake sweet smile.

"I heard from my friend over here, that you were a ghost. Is that true?" Taehyung asked the boy who lightly chuckled.

"Just pinch my cheeks." The older asked leaving Taehyung dumbfounded, "What??"

"Just do it." Taehyung was hesitating but obliged anyway, he lightly pinched his pale cheeks.

"Do you think you can pinch a ghost's cheeks?" Yoongi asked Taehyung with his eyes fixed on me.

"No..." he answered innocently, shaking his head.

"Geez Y/N, you wasting your money over nothing." Taehyung shook his head a little

"What do you mean?" That Casper asked.

"Oh, she just spent twenty thousand won over the stupid paper to get rid of you." Taehyung lightly chuckled

The pale guy rises one of his eyebrows before giggling showing off his gummy teeth. "What a great way to spend money." He mocked The girl who just scoffed at him.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Kim Taehyung, and you are?"

"Min Yoongi, from the music major."

"Then nice to meet you, Yoongi." Taehyung shook the later hands.

"And your name is?" Yoongi questioned the girl behind the other boy. She clearly ignored the boy and just kept playing with her talisman. She was determined to ask for her money back.

"Her name is Y/N" Taehyung answered, resulting in a slap behind his back.

"Just shut up, Tae." The girl stomped her feet to the cafeteria and the other two boys just shrugged and followed her right after.

"Must be on her period." Taehyung whispered to his side

"Yeah, must be it." Yoongi nodded as he carefully caressed his forehead, which started to have a red burning mark.

Was the talisman really didn't work?

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