Chapter 36

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Yoongi witnessed everything moved in slow motion, quietly, without the two ever noticed. He wore his black uniform from head to toe, leaning his back on the wall as he watched the two siblings fought.

"Tell me what did I do wrong to deserve this?" He saw her screaming, crying while punching her brother's chest.

Yoongi heard all the pain through her croaked voice. Somehow, it pained him too.

"Stop, you bitch." Yoongi really wanted to punch this look-alike bunny guy square onto his face, until his two front teeth fell off, but he couldn't. He just watched them while fisting his hands into a ball.

"That's so fucking hurt." Her brother hissed.

"Do you want me to tell you what you did wrong?" She nodded at him.

"Tell me why?! Why?! Why do you hate me so much?!"


"Everything about you is wrong!" The male shouted.

And Yoongi knew by the exasperated look on her face, this childish fight will be her last straw.

With terror in his eyes, Yoongi saw her slowly pierced her own skin. The small razor on her hand cut her so deeply. The blood prickled through her skin, all the water inside the tub she was sitting, turned into all red.

He couldn't just stand there and watch all the things happening. But he also couldn't show himself and then saved her bluntly.

Fifteen minutes already passed and Yoongi saw her head slowly sinking, deeper into the red water made of her own blood.

No, you can't die like this!

Yoongi teleported right inside her brother's room. He saw him just sitting calmly, both ears were plugged as he listened to loud blasting music. He bobbed his head up and down while tapping the study desk in front of him with the small pen on his hands, pretending he was playing the drum.

How can he act as if nothing just happened? As if there was no fight since the very beginning?!

Yoongi tightened his fist.

How can a human be so cruel like this?

Yoongi lightly swung his hand to the side and suddenly the orange juice that was peacefully at the corner of the table magically fell and splattered all over his pants.

"What the fuck?!" The teenage abruptly stood up. He cursed under his breath looking at his now dirtied pants.

"Fuck this shit. Can't I just chill for a fucking second? Fuck." He cursed repeatedly as if he was a baby who just learned to talk. He stomped his feet out of his room, slowly reaching to the locked bathroom.

He twisted the knob and found it already occupied.

"This bitch I swear to God..."

"Open up, bitch!" He knocked loudly, twisting the knob harshly.

Yoongi just watched the teenage behind his back with worry. Will he get the hint?

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