Chapter 35

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2 years passed after Y/N's father dead.

In that one sunny and peaceful afternoon when the autumn breeze whispered softly. Green leaves turned orangey, they had fallen from its tree.

A handsome male with his jet black hair just sat on a small stool next to the window inside the small-sized flower shop. He was absentmindedly staring at the house across the street while cutting the leaves of the flowers that just freshly came in before separating them in two different buckets.

The jingles from the doorbell didn't even manage to steal his attention as his eyes and mind were fixed on something else.

Until a familiar voice rang through his ears.

"Can I have one bouquet of white carnation please?" The male looked up to see a blond stood in front of him, wearing a maroon-colored sunglasses, washed off denim jackets over a plain black shirt, completed with his navy blue colored ripped jeans.

"What are you... wearing?" The florist asked, cocking one of his eyebrows, scanning up and down on his new customer's unusually flashy clothes. Especially those fitted jeans that literally looked like it was his second skin. He must have been having a rough time to wear it especially with the size of buttocks he has.

"Oh. This?" The other grinned mischievously.

"This is what you call, fashion, hyung. Fashion." He emphasized, turning around to show off what he was wearing.

The florist cackled and shook his head. "You must be kidding me." He scoffed in disbelieve.

"I'm not kidding, hyung. I'm just... you know... playing human just like you." He could hear the sarcasm laced in the latter tone.

"Now I understand why you liked it so much." He giggled.

The black-haired rolled his eyes to the back of his head, he ignored the blond's words as he continued doing his labor.

"Helloooooo, Mr. Min! I'm asking you for a bouquet of flowers. Didn't you hear me?" He waved his chubby palm in front of the older's face while lowering his glasses a bit, his high pitched voice made the other looked up to meet his sunglasses covered eyes once again.

"That would be won, Mr. Park." The fancy boy gasped at the price.

"Were you trying to rip me off, sir?" Yoongi chuckled and shook his head.

"I just gave you a half-price discount, Mr. Park." Jimin scoffed at his reply.

"No wonder this store has no customer." He spatted while his eyes wandering around the low ceiling where the beautiful flowers decorating all over it.

"Again, you're here not for business anyway." Jimin once again began his mocking. "You're here because you're desperately obsessed with one certain soul." The older snapped his head up, furrowing his eyebrows.

"If you don't want to take her soul, why still linger around her?" Jimin took off his glasses before finally hanging it on the small pocket of his denim jacket before crossing his arms over his chest.

Yoongi was already bored with the question he has no answer with. He just shrugged his shoulder, dusted it off.

Oh, have you wondered how come Yoongi works as a florist? Is he a human now?

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