Chapter 45

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I can officially declare today was the worst day of my life. No, today I didn't get to throw up or anything. I didn't have the usual fever as well.

But my heart felt heavy.

Jisoo just left wailing after her visit. She couldn't stop crying even Taehyung had to send her home.

"We're just back to be a friend and now you're going to leave me?"

"I'm not going to leave you, Jisoo-Ah." But we both know that it was a lie.

When I saw her cry I couldn't stop my own tears too. Thankfully she's gone now. I just want to stop crying over my pathetic life and this pathetic fate. No matter how many tears wasted, I'm still going to die anyway. Look, even that stupidly handsome grim reaper himself kept staying by my side. Yoongi I mean.

I just stared at the white ceiling blinking my tears away and that's when somebody walked through the door. I thought it was Yoongi, so I quickly wiped my eyes with my sleeve.

I looked toward the door to find someone I didn't expect to see. I widened my eyes.

"Hoseok...?" The brown-haired male just dropped a bouquet of flowers he bought. It was a daisy, the one he used to give me every single day. His lips parted ajar as he stared at me.

He was wearing a leather jacket with a plain black shirt underneath. A pair of blue ripped jeans and a pair of converse shoes. He looked hot as per usual.

He blinked twice snapping himself back to reality before quickly picked it up and hesitantly walked toward me.

"Hi... Y/N..." he awkwardly greeted.

I quickly grabbed my blanket and throw it over my head. I peeked my eyes from it, I didn't want him to see the horrible me. The last pride I have to confront my ex who looks extremely attractive is to look better but who am I kidding? He just has to come when I look pretty much dead after crying and I haven't even take a shower yet. Has to wear these fugly hospital pajamas.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, not looking at him. I could feel his pity eyes on me and I didn't want to see that.

"How did you know?" I asked again. I didn't tell anyone about my condition. Even my brother, Jungkook didn't know. Jisoo apparently knew it from Taehyung after days of pestering him.

"I— I— Jisoo told me and I..." he sat on the small chair beside my bed, he placed the flower he bought on my laps. Jisoo... that girl istg.


"Don't." I muttered. "Don't pity me, Seok. I don't need it." I heard him sigh.

There was a deafening silence before his hand slowly reached mine and holding it tight.

"Do you remember when we first met? You were running late on the first day of school, almost rolling down the stairs where I caught you." He told.

The nostalgic memory flooded my mind. "Of course." I chuckled. It was stupid and embarrassing, it kept haunting me every night like my other embarrassing memory, how can I forget?

"Honestly, that day I never thought you would be the one who steals my heart." He continued.

The smile has left my face and turned into a deep frown. "What are you trying to imply, Hoseok?" I snatched my hand from him, glaring at the beautiful flower rested on my lap. Suddenly the realization that he was the one whom I used to love also the one who ruined my heart rushing back at the same time.

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