Chapter 24

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Y O U      

I could see Taehyung approached from my peripheral vision. He jogged toward us still in his butler suit.

He then grabbed my wrist, forcefully pulling me toward him. He stole me away from Yoongi's comfortable chest.

"Are you alright?" Taehyung questioned, tone laced with worry. I just gave him a quiet nod.

He softly sighed before pulling me into a hug. I reflexively pushed him away, feeling self-aware of my surrounding. Feeling self-conscious the way Hoseok used to accuse me because how close we were.

Not in front of the public, Tae. Just not.

I was still dazed that I didn't realize how Taehyung kept sending a deadly glare toward my savior and even pulling me away to get back inside the building.


When Y/N and Taehyung had already left, Yoongi diverted his attention back toward the takoyaki stall. His eyes narrowed to the people who might be responsible for the life-taking accident.

There stood the cooking student from earlier now with his two other friends, patting his back, asking if he was okay, they look all concerned, worried, and most importantly, guilty.

Yoongi took a step closer, ignoring the piece of broken signboard underneath his feet.

"Hey." He called them, knocking the counter to gain their attention.

The three of them who seemed like they were in a team as they wore the same red kimono styled outer, staring at Yoongi on the same time, throwing him an apologetic look but were too afraid to even mutter an apology.

The pale skinned guy suddenly slammed his palm on the empty space of the counter. Causing them to flinch.

"Next time, when you build a stall, make sure you attach the sign properly. Because maybe next time, it wouldn't be your customer you put in danger, but maybe, yourself." He muttered between his gritted teeth. Anger was clearly audible, left his lips.

They didn't answer him and just gazed on the ground, lowering their heads, bowing repeatedly.

Yoongi sighed and raised his palm, there was some bills underneath it.

"And you can take the food as well as money. We're not hungry anymore." He lastly added before stomping his feet away from the scene.

Taehyung knew that expression very well. That expression she made a long time ago when she confessed to him.

Sadly, he was not Taehyung.

"Taehyung..." He hummed, looking at her expectantly. They sat on a bench, at the school backyard.

"I think...."

"I think I'm in love with Hoseok."

One sentence that was already enough to crush Taehyung's heart into tiny pieces.

That was the looks she would never give to him, that was the looks she exclusively gave only to Hoseok.

Those eyes he had always wished directed to him yet, had always sparkling to anyone but him and oh how heartbreaking it was until his chest had turned numb.

And now he could clearly see that looks and that eyes again after a long time, still not for him but for somebody else, somebody new.

Why can't it be me?

"Are you okay? Is there anywhere hurt? Do we have to go to the hospital now?" Taehyung bombarded her with questions as he sat her on the infirmary bed.

Y/N blinked her eyes twice before replying him with a reassuring smile.

"What were you doing there?! You should've been— aish!" Taehyung ran his hands over his hair frustratedly. His neat pomade hair now ruined, tousled at so many ways.

"I'm just looking for some food, Tae." The male snapped his angry eyes at Y/N.

"And bet that food almost kills you." The other male hissed. The girl shook her head lightly, biting her lower lip.

"He saved me." She murmured.

"What?" Taehyung stared at her, disappoint was clearly evident in his face.

"He saved me again, Tae." The girl muttered while placing a hand on top of her chest, curling up a tiny smile, she slowly shut her eyes tight before opening them and Taehyung knew how he'd fucked up the second time.

"Don't get too close to him." Taehyung murmured, hiding his anger under those calm and composed deep voice of his.

The girl looked up to meet his eyes, tilting her head to the side.

"He might not be the one you think he might be."


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