Chapter 13

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Y O U                     

"It's already passed five years and he apologized just now?" Taehyung gasped in disbelief.

"And you forgave him just like that?! Are you crazy?" He exclaimed angrily.

"He was being genuine, Tae." I sighed in return.

"Genuine, my ass. He should have apologized ages ago." He crossed his arms laying his back on my sofa.

"Maybe it took him years to muster up his courage. Just like how you took ages to muster up your courage speaking to me." I scoffed in return.

"Yah! I-it's different you know! And I didn't—"

"No no no, I saw you staring at me for since the very first day I joined the daycare. Honestly, you were kind of creepy back then, Tae. I was like, what's wrong with this brunette kid? He kept staring at me, did he wanted to murder me or something? And oh God... who knew maybe you had been stalking even since the pre-school day! Am I right?" I playfully cut him off.

"That blew out Jungkook's record then, it took you like 6 years before finally, you could speak to me." Taehyung wanted to deny but there was nothing coming out from his pretty lips.

"See?! Am I correct?! You've been watching me since pre-school day! I freaking knew it! Wait a minute, perhaps you have a crush on me?" I exclaimed and faked out my surprise reaction.

He sat up defensively, "No- no! It's not like that. It just I w-was t-too nervous to speak with a pretty girl like you."

"I am not pretty but hey, thanks." I giggled in return.

"And I didn't have a crush on you!" He defended as I saw his face changing color to beet red.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Right~"

"Ugh! Whatever!" He harshly fell back on the sofa and closed his eyes. He used my teddy to cover up his face. Taehyung was seriously adorable. But hey, even though he had a crush on me, I won't be able to return his feelings anyway.

I hoped he would keep on denying his feeling toward me. I hoped he would fall for someone else worth better than me.

Speaking about a crush, suddenly a flash memory of Yoongi's sweet gummy smile came back inside my head. I groaned and shook my head furiously.

That pale dude just couldn't leave me alone! Hey, remember, because of him you came home soaking wet that you might as well get sick!

Get a grip of yourself Y/N!

I slapped my own face making Taehyung uncover his face, looking at me weirdly.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He quirked up his eyebrows.

"Ugh, Nothing. Just a mosquito." I lied, waving my hands into the empty air, pretending to shoo the never existed bug in my room.

I then darted my eyes toward Taehyung's visible wound on his forehead.

"Oh my God!! Tae, y-your head still bleeding!" I gasped out loud. Almost forgot that Taehyung came injured to my house as I was busy to chase my brother.

I forcefully pulling his heavy body up to sit on the couch and that's when I saw the wet stained on the fabric.

"And you're making my sofa wet. Geez." I stomped my feet toward my wardrobe. Hopefully finding some extra clothes that he might have left behind since Taehyung often crashed on my place. But instead finding his clothes, I found a pair of a hoodie and matching sweatpants inside a brown paper bag. I took the bag out and stared at it for a while.

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