Chapter 18

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Y O U                     

He waved his hand at me...

Did I ever mention that his hand is so pretty? I mean it was a mixture of manly and elegant at the same time. How could it even possible?

His hands were veiny, but the skin was flawless and glowing. So what are your secret of skin care routine, Yoongi-ssi?

Also, all of his fingers were not pointy, making his hands looked a bit peculiar, does he play the piano or something? Because of Mr. Jeon— I mean dad, my stepdad, *sigh

—Even after all these years, it was so awkward to call him one. But enough of the angst, let's go back to the romance, shall we?

—Dad's fingers were also similar to him. When I asked why his hands looked weird like that, he said he was taught to play piano since he was five.

Maybe Yoongi too?

I shook my head from the silly thoughts. Stop admiring his hands and staring, you looked like a creep I swear to God!

I didn't reply to his greet, just looking down at my feet as I sat five chairs away from him, at my usual spot to study. Surely not expecting to meet him here but I wasn't complaining either. It just... my heart, it was so loud, I'm afraid that he might hear it, that's why I sat so far away.

"Hey..." I flinched when I heard his deep voice.

I pursed my lips into a thin line and started to pull all of my books from my bags, all of them.

"Hey!" Yoongi snapped, earning my attention.

"What?" I asked, trying my best to control my facial expression but failed miserably when my eyes landed on his gentle smile.

"Are you going to study now?" I cocked an eyebrow, before scoffing slightly.

"No, Yoongi. I am just here to sit and maybe waiting for some paranormal activity to happen." I replied to him, sarcastically.

He laughed at my answer, resting his chin on top of both of his palms.

"So... do you still believe that I am a ghost?" I nodded my head slightly before opening up one of my notebooks. I looked down at it, feeling my cheeks burning.

"Pfffft, stupid." He cackled.

I snapped my head right away, hearing his insult. "What did you say?!"

"Stu-u-pid." He repeated, confidently. His grin was mischievous and I knew he was entertained by my reaction. But why do I kept giving him the reaction that he wanted?

"Do I need to spell and explain what stupid means because you are too stupid to understand—"

"Hey!" I raised my voice, earning a loud shush from other students inside the library.

My shoulder sank and muttered a soft sorry.

I glared at Yoongi who was snickering evilly after witnessing what happened.

Jerk. What a pretty jerk. I cursed under my breath.

I huffed and puffed my cheeks, looking at the culprit who had been disturbing me.

"Take a picture, that lasts longer." I gasped at his sudden remark.

"Why would I, Huh?" I snarled at him, who is now laying his back on the chair, crossing his arms instead.

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