Chapter 41

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I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling like throwing up all the dinner I had.

That's when I slowly opened my eyes and being welcomed by a dark shadow.

You know that dark shadow in every horror movie, the one that stood quietly at the corner of the room not moving at all, when you squinted your eyes to see better it suddenly moves?

But this shadow wasn't a ghost, this shadow was no other than Kim Taehyung.

"God! Tae! You're scaring me!" I screamed, sat on my bed, rubbing my own chest.

Taehyung stood there across my bed just staring down at me as I sleep. The room was dimly lit, the only light only came from the window that barely shone at his existence.

He then slowly approached closer that I could see him better, he oddly looked... extremely angry.

I watched him sat at the edge of the bed, right next to me.

"Were you trying to kill yourself back then?"

I widened my eyes.

Where did this question suddenly come from?

"W-What?" I diverted my gaze on my laps but Taehyung grabbed my chin to look at him, now his mad expression was replaced with a pained one.

"N-no... What are you talking-"

"Jungkook has told me." The name rolled out of his tongue like a deadly poison.

Why would he..

"Now everything made sense, that Doctor we met at the hospital, the one who told you to never see him anymore- how can I miss it- now it's all made sense!"

I widened my eyes, he still remembered that! I have to approve Taehyung and his photocopy memory, but this is not the right time to exclaim.

"Why? Why did you do it?!" He gripped on my cheeks.

"I- Tae-"

"It's because of that fucker Jungkook, right?" He growled between his gritted teeth.

"N-no! That's not it-"

"Then explain!" He yelled at me before panting heavily, I never saw him this angry.

"I- I-" I kept stammered then silent.

"and you know what's worse?" He sighed.

"The fact that I didn't even know this. Like how the fuck you've been hiding it from me that well, huh? Or maybe I was just too dumb to realize." He chuckled bitterly.

"Tae..." I looked at him apologetically.

"T-that's n-not true..."

"But it is the truth! You've tried to kill yourself and I don't even fucking have a clue!" He pulled his hands away from me, running them through his hair frustratedly instead.

"I'm an absolutely good friend, aren't I?"

"Tae... you're a good friend, a really good friend-"

"Then you should be at least told me! Okay you don't have to tell this to Jisoo, or to your asshole ex-Hoseok. But what about me, Y/N? What am I to you actually? Am I really your friend?" Tears suddenly streamed down to his cheeks. The feeling of me wanted to vomit suddenly disappeared. The only feeling left was guilt and that made my stomach sink.

"Tae... I'm sorry.. I..." I suddenly felt my cheeks wetting too.

"You're my friend, my precious friend! I didn't tell any of you that's because... that's because..."

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