Chapter 40

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"Mrs. Jeon...?" Taehyung just parted his lips in shock before taking a step back.

The shorter woman just stared at him in awe before a wide sly grin appeared on her face.

"I-I can e-explain—" the woman took a step forward, shushing him.

"No need to explain, sweetheart. I approve." She giggled at herself.

Taehyung parted his lips trying to deny that it wasn't like she was thinking but,

"Honeeyyyy~ how can you left me—" a sweet male voice interrupted, but then gasped when his eyes landed on Taehyung.

"Wait, who are you?" He was a middle aged man around Taehyung's height, his face was a carbon copy of someone Taehyung kinda despised. The male furrowed his eyebrows he saw a male inside the apartment instead of his beloved stepdaughter. He dropped the two big plastic bags he held with his two hands, before growling in alert.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing inside my daughter's house huh?!" He lunged forward at the boy, pinned him to the wall. Mrs. Jeon gasped at the sudden attack, rushed toward his side and tugged on her husband's hands that are now gripping tightly on Taehyung's collar.

"Woah, woah, honey, stop! This is Taehyung, Y/N's childhood friend, remember?" His wife held his arm, reminded him, the male furrowed his eyebrows still unable to process.

"Just g-get o-off him..." She was struggling to peel her strong husband away from the poor flustered, accused boy. "Jesus, What are you doing?!" She slapped his arm angrily.

Despite his age that already passed fifty, Mr. Jeon was still quite fit. Which the woman didn't complain since he's also still very fit in bed *insert winking face*.

"Ouch... Ouch..." The man hissed in pain before stepping away as his wife warned.

Mrs. Jeon then turned her attention back to Taehyung who was shocked by the sudden attack and threw him an apologetic look.

"I'm so sorry, Taebear. You know my husband has prosopagnosia." Taehyung blinked his eyes twice before nodded quietly.

He then recalled the day when he was a child, he often came to visit Y/N's house and played with her. Every single time a middle-aged male came home from his work, the first thing he would always ask was, "Who are you?"

Every single time.

He thought he was teasing him or something.

Taehyung almost lost his patience but later he learned that Mr. Jeon, Y/N's current stepfather has severe face blindness. He couldn't recognize people's faces. Which also the reason why he always took Jungkook to the same barbershop, with the same hairstylist, to cut him in the exact same haircut for ages, a coconut shaped haircut. Because if he didn't, he wouldn't be able even to recognize his own son's face.

"Oooohhh~ Kim Taehyung, my man! You've grown up so much! I almost didn't recognize you." His face suddenly lit up once he remembered who Taehyung was. He approached the male, placing a hand on top of his shoulder. Taehyung just chuckled awkwardly as a reply.

Well, couldn't blame Mr. Jeon. The last time he saw him was at the high school graduation. Now he had changed, more mature, his body was more defined, his looks were more stylish, even without face blindness, people who hadn't seen Taehyung for ages would surprised to see the way he looks right now.

Suddenly his lit up face turned sour. "But still, What are you doing inside my daughter's house, huh?" Mr. Jeon asked in his low tone again. Taehyung gulped, looking at the male who gripped his shoulder tightly.

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