Chapter 15

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Y O U                    

I saw him there, sitting peacefully underneath the withering cherry blossom tree.

I stood there frozen for a while, just staring at his complexion. There were earphones on both of his ears. He bobbed his head up and down following the music as he read a small book on his hand. His flawless skin glowing underneath the glimmering sun. How can someone be so ethereal?

He was wearing an oversized brown coat, a cream-colored turtleneck underneath.

Holyshit. He was mesmerizing.

I shook my head furiously from the thoughts.

Okay, Yoongi. You're handsome and all but what you did to me yesterday was unforgivable.


I wiped the snot that kept flowing from my nose.

Because of you, I caught up on the flu! Do you think just because you're pretty I'll forgive you?

Not in a million years, Yoongi. Not in a million years...

I stomped my feet toward the male who didn't see it coming. Maybe I should do some snap snap on his neck or knee kick on his leg, or chop chop on his dic-- or whatever it is, I have to get my revenge.

"Yoongi!" I growled. But upon hearing the loud music blasting through his ears, I knew he won't responding.

I pulled his left earphone harshly, making him flinch and turn his head in me.

He looked up at me with his beautiful black orbs, all of the words I wanna say and all of the air I was breathing, got caught on my throat.

He slowly lifting up the corner of his lips, showing me his signature gummy smile. The smile that never failed to melt my heart.

"Hey, there." He grinned cheekily, pulling out his other earphone and closing the book he was reading.

I blinked my eyes furiously. "Y-you... H-how da-dare y--" for goodness sake, speak properly, you fool!

Yoongi giggled.

"What so funny?!" I snapped.

"Your nose... It's red like Rudolph's." I huffed and puffed my cheeks. I kept sneezing and unclogging my nostril tissue until I felt my skin burning, of course, my nose as red as Santa's costume... But hey!

"And whose fault do you think this was?!" I pointed my finger accusingly at him as he raised up his eyebrows at me.

"Me?" He pointed a finger toward himself, looking all innocent.

"Yes, you! Because of you..."

"You got drenched in rain, I know." He interrupted me, standing up from the wooden bench he was sitting.

"Here is my apology to you." He handed me the small book he was reading earlier, making me raising both of my eyebrows in confusion.

I took the book and watched it closely.

"The Little Prince?" I gasped, clasping my agape mouth with my own hands.

"For real?!" it was a copy of an old edition The Little Prince book.

The cover was a painting of a boy sitting on top of a planet, alone and lonely. With the pastel opaque of watercolor which was too familiar to my likings.

I had one of this before.

Exactly the same copy as I was holding right now, the cover and everything. But I lost it on a field trip when I was still a kid, a crying mess back then and still couldn't find this exact same copy since it wasn't published anymore.

There was a lot of newer versions of this book but this was my favorite.

Besides... That one was a gift from my dad, my biological dad. So I valued it more than just a mere book. It was a treasure.

"How did you find this?! I looked for this old printed version for ages and couldn't find one!" I exclaimed loudly.

He just cockily shrugging his shoulders as his answer. "What Yoongi wants, Yoongi gets." I scoffed at his confidence but well,

I still had to admit, he was amazing to find me this copy--

Wait a minute...

"How did you know I would love this book specifically?" I cocked an eyebrow at him, who then just smiling sweetly at me.

"Oh, I knew you more than yourself, Y/N, more than yourself." His answer just making me wanna throw a direct punch on his beautifully engraved face.

Why is God so unfair? How could I ruin such creation with my own hand? So unfair.

You're such a lucky jerk, Yoongi.

"What are you talking about--" I couldn't finish my words because Yoongi and his beautiful hand suddenly reaching toward me.

I widened my eyes as I felt the delicate touch over my hair. He took a step closer as all I could see was his broad chest, wondering how warm it was if I could just bury myself in it.

He then retrieved his hand again, snapping me back to reality.

"You got a petal caught in your hair."

His thin lips curled into a small smile as he showed his palm that had a pink petal on it. I stared at it for a while until I felt his other hand reached toward my hair again, tucked it behind my ears.

"Pretty..." I heard him mumbled.

I looked up in surprise, "What?"

He looked up and pointed at the tree. Shower of flower petals right on top of us, some flew away along with the wind.

"Pretty isn't it?" I nodded my head along, blushed crept to my cheeks.

Why do I expect he directed that compliment to me? I'm not that pretty... What am I thinking?

"Yeah, it's pretty..." I replied back, but without looking up, I looked at him instead. "Pretty..." I mumbled while clutching on the small book he just gave to me.

He then looked away, spotting someone from afar. Tall male with brown hair and a checkered shirt. He was looking down on his notebook, eyebrows knitted together, frowning.

"I got to go now. My friend is waiting for me." He said, stuffing his phone inside the bag he left on the bench before running toward him who then flinched when Yoongi lightly taps his shoulder.

His frown deepened instead.

For a second... Was he confused?

But then suddenly his eyes widened and a huge smile crept as he stared down at the smaller, charming dimples were displayed on both of his cheeks.

Yoongi muttered something to him before he closed his notebook and nodded.

I watched until the two walked away, before looking back at the book on top of my hands. My lips curling up into a wide grin.

My favorite book from my new favorite person.

Another pinkish petal fell on top of my book. I smiled widely as I stared at the beautiful creation.

But then I realized one thing...

It wasn't Spring, it was Autumn.

not in a million years ✔ | Min Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now