Chapter 17

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Y O U                     

"Come on!" I pulled Taehyung by the collar as he sat on the chair after finishing his food.

"Do I really have to? Do I?" He looked at me with his puppy eyes, but that trick didn't work on me again, not after years we've been together.

He then turned around and raised up a small book, the gift that I received from Yoongi. A blush crept on my cheeks as a glint of his ethereal visual flashed in my mind.

"Look! You found this book!" Taehyung suddenly cheered.

I snapped back to reality, "Don't change the topic!" I yelled.

"I thought that you lost it— how did you find it?" He asked again, eyes filled with curiosity.

"I didn't find it. It's a gift— Wait— don't try to change the topic! Now get your ass up because we have to go to the hospital!" I glared at him who just blinked repeatedly.

"What? What do you mean it's a gift? The book was..." He looked back and forth between me and the book confusedly before I pulled him harshly until he fell from the seat.

"Ouch— Ouch!" He whined. "Okay, okay! Jesus, Y/N!" He stood up, tapping his sweatpants, and placing the book back on the table.

"Now, Tae." I growled.

Taehyung huffed and puffed his cheeks, crossing his arms and stomping his feet out of my room like a child.

I let out an exasperated sigh, taking all the used empty plastic bowl out and grabbing my bag. I walked outside the door of my bedroom, switching the lights off.

Before I shut it close, I glanced back at the small book that's now resting nicely on top of my table, only a little source of light from the study lamp shone on top of it. A small smile curled on my lips as my heart did a flip.

I lost my treasure and found a new one within you.

"It's done." Taehyung grimaced as the doctor cut the stitch while he was sitting on top of the hospital bed, eyebrows furrowed tightly, mouth deeply frowning. His forehead wound was deep and gaping, the doctor had to suture it.

See?! Told you that wasn't just a scratch.

"Thank you, doctor." I smiled at the man in his white robe as he took off his rubber glove, handing it to the nurse next to him.

"Just need a few days until your wound is healing, then you have to go back here to get your stitch removed." The middle-aged man said as Taehyung gasped.

"You mean you will pull this thing out of my skin???" His face was a mixture of shock and fear, scrunched in disgust as the imagination ran wild inside of his head.

The doctor chuckled lightly. "Don't worry, it won't hurt." Taehyung gasped.

"That's not the problem!" I smacked the back of his head as he began to shout at the older male. How rude and embarrassing, Tae!

"Tae!" I whispered through my gritted teeth, he glared at me as I placed an index finger on top of my lips, shushing him.

"Okay, Doctor. We will keep it in mind and visit you again soon." I said, faking up a smile after such an awkward situation.

The older doctor didn't seem to mind, perhaps he was already used with this kind of patient. He just gave us a gentle smile.

"He's going to pull the string out of my skin... out of my skin, Y/N!" Taehyung whined.

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