Chapter 30

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Y O U         

"Jisoo-ah..." She lifted her head, eyes slowly meeting mine.

"Y/N..." Tears streamed down to her cheeks, flowing harder like a waterfall.

She's still pretty even though she was crying. Who dares to make an angel like her cry? Again, she's the angel who left my side though I told her to stay. Why would she come back?

I shook the thoughts away and marched toward her almost immediately. I held her by the arms, squeezing them tight.

"W-what's going on? W-what h-happened?" Instead of answering, she cried even louder.

I pulled her up from the floor, "Hey, hey, shush Stop crying." I pulled her head, rested over my shoulder.

"Let's go inside and talk, shall we?"


"He cheated on you?!" Jisoo quietly nodded. No longer crying though her eyes were still teary.

That fucking bastard. How dare he cheated on such a gorgeous girl like her? Who did he think he is? Let me chop that D and fed it to the dog.

"Stop crying. Save your tears for someone who deserves it."

See? I told you he's a jerk. I may not be experienced in a relationship. I mean, I never dated anyone else other than Hoseok so.

But I can guarantee that I can read most people, whether they're good or they're bad.

Most people except Yoongi perhaps. He's so unpredictable. Then again, he may not be a person, he may not be a human. That will explain how I wasn't able to read him like an open book.

"I'm so sorry for not listening." Jisoo croaked and inside my head, I was like

'I told you so!'

But what's the point on rubbing salt on her open wound? That's not what our friendships for.

"No, I'm sorry for not trying to understand you better. I should have never raised my voice at that time." Yeah, when I told her that Junho was your classic playboy, I was yelling at her who wasn't listening.

Maybe if I lowered my temper and voice at that time, she might be listening. I mean... She's in love after all. I should've known that feeling very well.

Everything he did must be perfect in her eyes. Just like how Hoseok used to be in mine.

I should've understood her better.

"No, no, you are right, I was dumb, totally a fool. It was my fault. Y-you were... just care." I shook my head and carefully caressed her wet cheek with my thumb.

We both sat and cuddle with each other on the couch, the TV was playing a random show we could care less.

"Thank you..." Jisoo muttered.

"Thank you for what?" I questioned back.

She looked up at me before hugging me tightly

"Thank you for still accepting me back."


"There is no one named Min Yoongi in the music major. But these are the list of other Yoongi from the music and other majors. Maybe you'll find him in one." Seojoon handed Taehyung two pages of clipped paper, all names printed in black ink.

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