Chapter 29

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A U T H O R          

"Excuse me... Miss... but can I ask for some information about a student here?"

The woman in her mid-thirty cocked an eyebrow as she lowered her glasses, looking at the young male in front of her with her suspicious gaze.

"Student's information isn't something we can disclose to anyone. Are you a part of the campus committee? Which event you needed this information for?" She asked, before returning her attention back to the computer screen in front of her.

"Err... I'm not a part of the committee. But I just really need information about this—"

"Listen here, kid."

Taehyung gasped.

I'm not a kid!

The lady tapped her desk, as she looked up at the male who stood behind outside her working office, glasses mirror separated the two. Only a small box-shaped hole was provided for the two to exchange talks.

"You can't just go and ask for someone else's information here. Our campus policies protect each of the student's private information. So if you may, please, excuse yourself." The lady signaled with her palm, telling Taehyung to go away.

But the younger persisted.

"But miss, I just need to know which class he was in!"

"Hey, hey, hey." Another deep voice suddenly interrupted. (The fact that I wrote this when Icy intro playing inside my head was lol)

Taehyung turned his head to face another male, slightly taller than him, leaning his back over the door of the office, a bunch of document papers he hugged close to his chests.

His hair was dark and cut short, unlike Taehyung's who had his hair nearly touched the back of his neck.

He was wearing a white t-shirt nicely tucked inside his black pants.

Taehyung could already guess he's a senior student, definitely not a professor since based what he knew, Seokjin was the only youngest professor this campus had ever had. And he definitely looked younger than Seokjin.

"Oh, Seojoon-Ah!" The lady cheered, seemed relieved the young male was there.

"Thank God you're here. Can you please escort this young man over here? I'm still busy and have a lot of things to do." The lady asked, sending a piercing gaze at Taehyung.

"B-but miss...!"

"Eyyy... Taehyung-ssi, miss Lee is kinda busy. Just talk to me, okay?" He pushed Taehyung by his shoulder.

"B-but..." a few meters away from the office, now the stood behind the wall, nearby the stairs.

"Hey! How did you know my name?!" Taehyung pestered when the realization hit him late.

The slightly taller male chuckled. "We went to the same high school. I'm a year senior to you. Probably you don't know me. But I know you. You're quite popular back then." Taehyung nodded his head.

"Okay. Thank you for the information, but that was not the one I looking for. If you may let me go back there—" the man held Taehyung by his shoulder.

"Eyy, eyyy. Stop it right there." The man shook his head lightly.

"Once miss Lee says no, that means no." Taehyung frowned.

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