Special Chapter: Taehyung | Last + A/N

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The first time Taehyung met Y/N was during his first day on a pre-school, he was four at that time.

He was so nervous that he couldn't stop fidgeting. He kept his hands clutching tightly on the straps of his favorite purple backpack.

"Haraboji, can you please please please stay with me here?" Taehyung doe eyes looked up to meet the old man's hazel ones. His grandpa just smiled, crouched to his level before extended his hand to ruffle Taehyung's soft locks.

"I can't, Taebear. I'm too old to be at school." The man told him.

Taehyung parted his lips, kept tapping his tiny feet.

"But Haraboji... I'm scared... I don't want to be alone." He murmured softly, throwing his grandpa his greatest puppy looks but to no avail.

The older chuckled and shook his head lightly. "You'll never be alone." He told the small boy. He placed his two big palms on his shoulder and turned Taehyung around to face the school holding where there were many kids began to gather inside. There were some adults too, smiling as they welcoming them.

"You'll meet a lot of friends, you'll have a nice teacher. So don't be scared, okay?" Taehyung instantly froze, seeing so many other kids he had never met before made him even more anxious.

"B-but harabo—" when Taehyung turned around the bell instantly rang.

"Hear that? Now go!" His grandpa waved his hands.

It was Taehyung's first day at the new school. He has to meet a lot of new people and he absolutely hates it.

Taehyung stood in the middle of the hall, looking lost. He didn't know where to go, eyes wandering around. The teacher had told He, student, to stand in line so that what Taehyung did.

His legs were trembling. He wanted to pee, he wanted to throw up, he wanted to hide under his bed, he wanted to do anything but be in the class.

"Hey..." somebody tapped his shoulder lightly, causing him to flinch.

He turned around and looked at the stranger, his lips immediately parted ajar.

There was this girl around his height, smiling widely at him. She was wearing a yellow t-shirt and brown pants.

"Are you nervous?" She asked. Taehyung blushed instantly and nodded quietly. He never talked to a girl before, other than his grandma and mom of course.

The girl giggled and that made his heartbeat loudly and his stomach went weird.

"Me too!" She chirped. "Don't worry. You are not the only one nervous here." She assured and somehow that made Taehyung be at ease, even though for just a slight bit.

He wanted to reply to her but suddenly the teacher called. "Students 1A!" He frowned as the teacher began to collect her students.

"That's my class!" She said and ran directly toward the teacher. Taehyung stood there, frown slowly disappeared and exchanged with a smile.

Because that was his class too.

He later knew the girl's name, she's Lee Y/N a bright student's everyone can tell.

She was sitting at the very front meanwhile there was Taehyung sitting at the very back, wishing he was invisible to everyone's eyes.

He could only watch her from afar, didn't dare to talk even during the class break. She was sitting alone just like him but she was happily eating her food, unlike Taehyung who sat alone and deeply scarred for his life, he felt uncomfortable being in between the strangers, although none of them actually paying attention to him.

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