Chapter 08

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Y O U                                  

I marched back to my small dorm. Twisted the door's knob open and went inside as quickly as possible. The rain was pouring hard today, my half body was already soaking wet.

"God, so cold.." I shivered.

"This all because of that dumbass Min Yoongi." I gritted my teeth


"Come on Y/N, let me take you home." Taehyung grabbed my wrist and lead me toward his usual black motorcycle.

He placed his extra helmet on my smaller head with lots of care, as always.

I was going to jump and ride the two-wheeled vehicle when someone tugged on my collar making me stumbled backward.

"God, what the hell?!" I turned my head to see your familiar friendly ghost, Min Yoongi, pulling me away.

"Don't ride that." He said expressionlessly.

And I was like nani???

"And why should I follow your order hmm, Casper-ssi?" I cocked an eyebrow.

Taehyung hopped off his motorcycle and approached us. "What's going on?"

"I—" Yoongi butted in but before I could say a word.

"She forgot her promise with me to study at the library together. Don't say you forget that you'll apologize to me by teaching me some of your astronomy's knowledge, young girl?" He grinned slyly at me.

That sounds even worse than when Hoseok called me baby.

"First of all, I'm not some 'young girl'. I have a name and it's Y/N. Second, I never!—" suddenly I couldn't let out any voice. As if someone caught and tied my tongue inside, I could not seem to form the word I wanted to say.

I never promised to teach you anything!

Why can't I say it?!

Yoongi stared deeply inside my eyes. And I swear to God I could see his deep black eyes sparkling a thousand of stars. As if they were the night sky I used to stargaze at, I couldn't simply turn away from him. I felt like I was hypnotized to look more into his small eyes, watching the constellation of lights beautifully formed inside.

"You will teach me right?" He asked with a smile plastered on his face. That deadly sweet gummy smile. I think I might die of diabetes.

I nodded.

Wait?! Why did I nod?!

He wrapped his pale hand around my smaller wrist and pulled me away.

Taehyung just tilted his head to his side, "Just go home, Tae. See you tomorrow!" I turned back to bid a good to him. He heavily sighed and rode his bike away.

"Wait, wait, wait!" I deadly stopped our track.

" I never promised to teach you anything!" Finally! I could say it, phew.

"Oh, you didn't? My mistake then." He simply shrugged, letting go of my hand.

"Oopsie whoopsie. I got to go to class now." He grinned and waved his hands on me. He sprinted away with lightning speed and just simply disappeared.

I stared at him dumbfounded.

What.the.hell. was just happening?

He was the one who took me away and he just left?! Left?!

I groaned and yelled out my anger. I was going to let out hundred of curses when suddenly a louder sound of thunder voice beamed. I flinched and quickly raised my head facing the dark grey sky.

Oh my, my, my! It's going to rain and I have no umbrella with me now.

I quickly ran back to the parking lot and of course, Taheyung had already gone.

One drop, two drops of water started to hit my head.

And that's how I went back home accompanied by the rain. Thanks to the stupid Min Yoongi.

He gonna pay for this, I swear.

Flashback End

I sprinted my feet inside my small bathroom, not forgetting to almost slip over the marbled floor along the way. I took a deep breath, placing my hand over my chest.

"Calm down, okay..."

I took off all of my soaked clothes off, placing them on the laundry bin then took a quick warm shower.

"This feels so much better." I breathed out, feeling the warm water running down all over my body.

I washed my body and hair thoroughly. Playing with the bubbles formed by the soap and humming my favorite song which was Autumn Leaf, a quite old song from the famous boy group I loved.

Once I was done washing, I then turned off the water, grabbed my towel to dry my body then quickly put on my comfy patterned pajamas.

I walked out of the bathroom with a towel still wrapped over my head. I stop deadly on my track when I heard someone rang the bell of my apartment's door.

"Wait a minute!" I yelled.

I opened the wooden door without any hesitation, a decision which perhaps I may regret. Because the one who stood in front of me right now was someone who triggered the painful memory of my past.


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