Chapter 34

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Still flashback

After a few years passed, Yoongi had watched the flower bloomed. The flower that supposedly withered the day he plucked it.

Y/N was that flower bloomed beautifully as her bright smile spread across her face. She turned herself around in front of her friends, showing the new high school uniform she wore.

Yoongi's lips also curled up, he blamed her for her contagious smile.

"Stop watching her like this. You look like a creep." A familiar soothing voice yet his words laced with venom suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

The voice belonged to none other than the snake, Jimin.

"What do you want, snake?" Yoongi had now called his colleague a snake because he kept hissing at him and it's annoying.

So Yoongi annoyed him back by calling him a snake, an animal Jimin was afraid when he was alive. He probably already forgot everything about the past, but perhaps some fragments of his memory still left. He always got angry when Yoongi called him that.

"I'm not a snake! Aish! How could you compare this beautiful creature with that no feet creature?!" See? He hissed again.

"What do you want, Jimin? Just stop bothering me. Don't you see I'm busy?" Yoongi spatted as he turned around to face the male.

The wind blew strongly tousled both of their hair as they stood again on top of a building rooftop right across Y/N's high school.

"You're practically jobless now. Stop saying nonsense." Jimin retorted.

Well, he wasn't exactly wrong. Yoongi only has one duty left on due, that was picking up his last 100th soul which he didn't do.

Each grim reaper will only be assigned to guide 100 souls as the limit. Nothing more, nothing less.

So yes, Yoongi is jobless now. But he would prefer to call it retirement instead.

"Then what do you want from this jobless man, Jimin?" The older scoffed.

The younger sucked in a deep breath, he stared up at the clear blue sky. He stuffed his palms inside his black cotton pants pocket. He glanced at Yoongi for a second before quickly diverted his gaze again up at the cloud that passing by.

"I need your help." Jimin whispered softly as he glanced down on his feet.

"What?" Yoongi cocked an eyebrow. Did he hear him right?

"I— I n-need your help." Jimin spoke in even softer voice Yoongi barely could hear. He could see the younger's cheeks slowly turned a beet red.

"What? I can't hear you?"

"I NEED YOUR HELP FOR GOODNESS SAKE!" Jimin ended up shouting before panting his— was it anger, shame?— heavily... His whole face had turned red.

Yoongi widened his eyes, stunned for a moment. Once he realized he wasn't dreaming, he lightly chuckled.

"Oh, wow. What does the almighty the Jimin need from a jobless grim like me?" He heard the younger groan lightly at his teasing remark.

"I hate you." Jimin retorted, glaring straight at the same-height older male.

"The feeling is mutual." Yoongi replied before pursing his lips into a thin line.

"Hyung! I really need your help." Jimin whined. He approached the older, batting his eyelashes.

What a snake indeed.

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