Chapter 11

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Taehyung waved his big palm right in front of my face.

"Hey! Y/N" I flinched and brought my attention back to him.

"Oh, sorry. What was it?" The boy sighed, he shook his head to fix his brunette hair. His eyebrows furrowing and getting closer to his brown colored eyes.

"Stop spacing out for goodness sake! So, I just played the new Pokémon and it was lit!" I smiled upon hearing his excitement over his game. I didn't quite understand what he was talking about, but looking at happy go lucky Taehyung always made me smile.

"And I caught this legendary Pokémon—" before he could finish his story, Hoseok and Jisoo already barged in with trays of food and drink on their hands. They placed it on the table interrupted Taehyung's exciting story.

"Why do you guys always interrupting when I was talking." He scowled as I just giggled.

"Stop sulking like five years old." I replied

"He is five." Jisoo added while shrugging her shoulder.

"This is yours." Hoseok handed me my cheeseburger as I took it from him shyly. "Thank you, Hobi."

"Anyway, Why did you skip class again today? Did something happen?" Jisoo suddenly asked.

I didn't answer pretending to be busy, opening the paper wrap of my burger. She always is the one who knew whenever I was in trouble. No matter how much I hid it, she just knows. I quickly shook my head, didn't want any more worry came from them. I didn't deserve this much of their attention.

I didn't realize Hoseok was staring at me all the time until I glanced at him while took a bite of my burger.

"I-is there something in my face?" I asked him and he just chuckled.

"Well, there is just beauty in your face." He replied while showing his sweet hearty smile.

I could feel my cheeks burning and turning red at that moment. The light that shined in from the window beside our seat, lighting up his eyes, making them magically sparkling. Hoseok was wrong. It was not me, it was him, the real definition of beauty.

"That's just so disgusting." Taehyung faked a puke disturbed me from my thought.

"We didn't come here to watch you two flirting with each other." Jisoo also added.

"Anyway, something must have happened between you and Jungkook again right?" Hoseok suddenly changed into his serious expression, he deadpanned me with his question.

"You know you can always tell us, Y/N. Please stop keeping your problem to your self." He added but I didn't answer.

We both flinched when suddenly Taehyung slammed the white table harshly. "That brat seriously."

"I think I need to teach him a lesson. Can I just do it for once?" He asked me while I just shook my head slowly.

"Please don't hurt him, Tae. He- he is just a kid." Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"You're babying him too much that's why he was getting out of hand! He already spread a rumor about me being a school thug, why don't I just make it real by start kicking his manipulative ass and face, huh?" Taehyung angrily said.

I held my burger tighter as my lips quivered. It was because of me, it was because of me my friend was caught up in this rumor.

Jungkook had spread so many hurting rumors against them. He lied about Hoseok being gay, I was not homophobic, but the whole school was. He received a lot of harassments because of that, because of me.

Jungkook also lied about Jisoo being a whore. She was the perfect popular student, it was because of me she was being called names. Jisoo was not a whore, she even rarely dates. All the girls who were envious toward her, used this rumor as an advantage to torment her. It was all because of me.

Taehyung too, Jungkook lied about him being a thug. He lied about how Taehyung used to steal money from junior. How he used to punch junior who didn't follow his orders. Taehyung was indeed a good fighter, he was a black belt after all. Hence no, he didn't even dare to kill even just a small ant.

Then again, it was because of me, Jungkook spread those rumors about my friend. Who wouldn't believe his innocent eyes?

Even sometimes, I did believe what he said.

I even started to believe it myself, maybe if I disappear, will everyone finally be happy?

I watched how worry plastered on my friend's face. I saw their sincerity and genuine love toward me. They never complained even once about their own rumor but instead, they kept worrying about mine.

Oh, What did I do to deserve them?

I blinked my tears away and said, "Can we just stop talking about Jungkook for this moment. Let- let me breathe for once, please." I begged them as Jisoo took a piece of tissue and wiped my tears away.

"Anything for you, Y/N, anything for you..."

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